Secrets(Yan!Rise!Donnie x Reader)

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Tw: kidnapping, yandere themes, unconsensual touching(nonsexual), crying, being locked in a dark room, collar w/ chain

Light floods in as the door swings silently open, the darkness being chased out of the small room for a fleeting moment. The door swings shut once more, the softshell turtle's markings being the only source of light in the room. His captive squirms in his grasp, Donnie's battleshell digging painfully into their soft stomach. When they start to whimper, small pleads falling from their mouth as they beg the mutant to be freed, to beg for their life, Donnie merely shushes them. He had no wish to let his captive go, not when they looked so perfect wrapped up in his ninpo.

Donnie sighs as they continue to whine, their eyes wet with tears while Donnie sets their limp body on the small cot he had in there. He would make a bed soon, one that was specified to your exact needs once you proved you deserved it. But for now, the cot was all you needed. His battleshell produces metal arms, grabbing a chain out of a compartment built into the wall. Donnie easily attaches the chain to the collar his captive was wearing, cooing at the sight. He watched in satisfaction as they struggle to pull it off, neither chain nor collar budging.

His hands wrap around his prisoner's, pulling the limbs away from their neck. Their eyes start to leak as Donnie sighs, a box of tissues being produced from his battleshell. "Hush now, dear. The room is soundproof, there is no one to hear your cries but me, and believe me. I don't want to hear them." Donnie's voice is gentle, yet firm, a silent warning hiding between the words.

Their sniffles continue, but slowly quiet, tears streaming down their cheeks and dripping onto the floor. Donnie takes a deep breath, trying his best to not lose his temper. He understood their fear, to an extent. He had just drugged them, kidnapped them, and made everyone believe they were dead, of course they'd be a bit upset. But their fear should've ended the moment they realized they were with Donnie, the one person who cares for them the most. Donnie continues to silently wipe their face with the tissues, cringing as stray tears touch his skin.

"I really am doing what's best for you, there's no reason for you to be acting like such a dumb dumb right now." The prisoner scoffs wetly, their voice cracking as they try to become coherent enough to speak. A single drawn eyebrow raises, Donnie seemingly not impressed with their small amount of attitude. They should be thanking him, not crying. It really was a shame they couldn't see how much he loved them, everything would be so much easier then. Donnie wouldn't have had to build them this room, and he wouldn't have to hide them from his brothers.

Donnie waits patiently for them to speak, his eyes scanning their puffy face as their mouth spills nothing but soft babbles and incoherent pleas. His hands  pull back from their face, unable to deal with the onslaught of liquid pouring from their eyes. A grimace dons the mutants face, a generous amount of hand sanitizer coating the palm of his hand. The faint scent of alcohol floods both of their noses, Donatello's captive crying harder as they pull their knees to their chest. Donatello watches for a moment more, his hands twitching at his sides with a scowl on his face.

Standing from the cot with a huff, Donnie leaves the room without looking back, leaving the young adult to fend for themselves in the cramped room. The door slid shut, sealing itself against the wall until it looked near indistinguishable from the other panels in the room. Donnie moved to his lab table, looking over different designs and blueprints that were spread across the surface. It was incredibly frustrating, having to confine his love to such a small space. If only his brothers weren't such dumb dumbs, if only the one he gave his heart to loved him back.

No matter, the room was built, and his love was secured. It was equipped with a small bathroom and all the basic necessities. He would add more decorative items as rewards for good behavior, but for now, it only needed the necessities. He pulls out a pencil, making small edits to a blueprint he was making. Everything would work out. They were his, and his forever. No one had to know.


Words: 741

Posted: 04.23.23

A/N, not important: Had an idea and executed it horribly, oh well. This was not proofread at all. I feel like I'm dying, but needed to get smth out. PLEASE point out anything wrong. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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