Forbidden Friendship(Platonic Yandere Mud Dogs x Reader)

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The rat yokai's nose twitches as he throws down another card and takes a replacement, his sharp eyes glued on the carefree ogre in front of him. The stolen, broken clock in the corner ticked loudly, puncturing the tense air around the two yokai. It was only supposed to be a quick game, but with the stakes on it, it might as well have been a death match. Danny's eyes drift over the leader of the Mud Dogs carefully, trying to find a crack in his perfectly curated poker face. The game had been going for longer than expected, each yokai holding their five cards close to their chest, both metaphorically and physically. Leonard's eyes dart to the clock, taking in the time. He needed to win this before you got out of school.

Leonard throws down his cards the same time Danny does, the ogre grinning smugly at his full house. Danny sneers at his partner in crime, pushing his double set of pairs further away as if they made him sick. Knowing Leonard got to spend the majority of time with you in itself made Danny nauseous. Danny pushes back his seat aggressively and stands up, walking away from Leonard who was still celebrating his win. Mickey would be back with you soon anyway, and while Leonard won the honor of calling the shots, Danny could still claim his own time with you.

After stumbling upon their base by accident when you first discovered the hidden city, the Mud Dogs quickly latched onto you. They were fascinated by you and quickly became attached, inserting themselves into your life as your close friends and protectors. After all, you were just a human. They couldn't let you go off on your own into the dangers(or so they claimed) of the hidden city.

Leonard watches the rat yokai leave, a smug grin still on his face. You would arrive with Mickey in just a few more moments, kickstarting the Mud Dogs' day. Danny moves to the kitchen, rummaging through the old fridge and rotten cabinets. His whiskers twitch at the lack of food, upturning his nose to what little they did have.

"Hey Leonard," Danny says, his torso halfway in the fridge as he shuffles what little food they did have around. Leonard perks up at his voice, watching Danny with a glazed interest. "We ain't got much food left 'round here. What do you say we bring them up top for a tour of the market while we resupply?"

Leonard taps his fingers against the table, thinking it over. "We don't exactly have money to buy things."

"And they don't have to know that. One of us can distract them at all times so they never notice."

Leonard leans back in his chair, sighing. They really did need to stock up, but he didn't want you to find out their criminal ways. Having you be scared of them was the last thing the Mud Dogs wanted. Despite them having found you mid robbery, you had yet to realize that your new friends were some of the most wanted criminals in the hidden city. Not that they were going to hand that information over. They'd hide it from you 'till the day they died.

Leonard and Danny halt their conversation and turn towards the door as Mickey's loud voice sounds through the hideout, a clear warning to shut up in case they were discussing anything unsavory that they didn't want their human to hear. Mickey enters with you by his side, chatting happily with you while you walk together, Mickey more slithering than walking. You wave to the other Mud Dogs, a bright smile on your face. Both Danny and Leonard immediately untense, relaxing near you. Everything would be fine now that you're here and safe. They would figure it out.

"Welcome, welcome!" Danny purrs, pulling you into a tight hug. "How was the trip over here?"

Danny looks more towards Mickey when he asks, waiting to see if the eel gave any indication of a possible problem. With a quick shake of the eel's head, Danny was reassured. He returns his attention to the rambling human, his tail twitching as they talk. Leonard walks behind you, leaning over you and resting his chin on your head.

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