Petty Fights(Yan!Rise!Leo vs Mikey x Reader)

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Tw: stalking, mention of planned kidnapping, drugging, planned drugging, sleeping pills, nonconsentual touching(non-sexual)

Mikey hums to himself as he takes the cookies out of the oven, kicking the door closed with his foot. He sets the hot tray on the counter, peeling the oven mitts off his hands. The cookies he made were perfect. It was a small batch, only around three cookies, but it would do. After all, they played a very important role in Mikey's current plan. He grins to himself as he scrapes the cookies off the tray and onto a cooling rack. He was sure to beat Leo now.

Mikey looks proudly down at his recent baking work. They were your favorite. Made just to your taste to be perfect. With an addition of .5 mg of Triazolam, of course. He needed these to bring you home after all. Mikey puts the now empty cookie sheet into the sink to let it soak for a while. It didn't need immediate attention, and it was always easier to scrape off the cookie crumbs after it soaked.

With one last satisfied grin towards his cookies, Mikey walks off and heads back to his room with his feet softly padding against the ground. It was best to let them cool for now before giving you one. He just had to make sure you only had one. He'd feel awful if he accidentally caused you to take too much and get hurt.

As Mikey steps out, the kitchen is quiet once more. The stacks of dishes sat in the sink, waiting to be washed and put away. The room maintained a peaceful calm for an entire ten minutes before Leo walked in, his head held high. He moseys over to the fridge, leaning in while examining the contents. Leftover pizza catches his eye and he grabs a slice, ignoring the bright sticky note that showed Raph's claim over the food.

Leo shuts the fridge and leans against the appliance as he eats, his eyes drifting over the kitchen. He grimaces when he spots the piled up dishes. It was his turn to clean them this week, and he was dreading it. Hopefully he could pass it off to someone else.

His drifting eyes land on the three cookies, sitting innocently on their plate. Leo quickly shoves the rest of the pizza in his mouth, wiping his hand absentmindedly on his shorts to get the grease off his fingers. Leo couldn't help but move closer to the mouth-watering cookies. Looking around the room for anyone watching, Leo picks up one of the cookies and takes a small bite, leaning against the counter and over the plate.

Leo's eyes dilate as he smiles, the cookie melting on his tongue. Before Leo even realizes, he eats all three. Looking down at the empty plate makes Leo freeze, the last few crumbs of the final cookie falling from his mouth. Leo stares blankly down at the empty plate. He didn't mean to eat them all. He barely even meant to eat two.

The sound of a furious gasp makes Leo's head whip towards the door, a shaky smile on his face. He waves at his angry brother, Mikey's face twisted into a look of shock and fury. Leo understands immediately he messed up.

"Did you eat all of them!?" Mikey asks. His frustration was clear on his face as he stared his older brother down. Mikey was just as tense as Leo.

"They were really good?"

"That doesn't- You- Leo!" Mikey sputters, trying to process his words properly. This wasn't fair. He made those for you, and now Leo ruined his chance at bringing you home. Mikey was beyond devastated at Leo's thoughtlessness, and even madder he now had to find more Triazolam. That was his last amount of it that he could squirrel from Donnie, and he didn't want to have to find more on his own. All that bribing, and for nothing. His voice is a harsh whisper when it comes out, anger forcing his voice into a tight tone. "Those were drugged."

"And delicious." Leo jokes. He laughs nervously at Mikey's unimpressed face. Leo clears his throat, glancing down at the empty plate. "What with? And why did you drug cookies, Mikey?"

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