ROTTMNT Platonic Yandere Leo and Donnie headcanons of when you get hurt

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CW: Kidnapping, possession of a friend, manipulation, isolation, losing all friends, toxic behavior, toxic friendship, gaslighting(technically), hint towards murder, yandere behavior

-They'd both be clingy, constantly vying for your individual attention while also trying to not annoy you to the point of attempting to remove them from your life. While they have you in their sights, neither is immediately trying to kidnap you off the bat. They like knowing you're choosing to come to them. It gives them a superior feeling to the other people you used to call friends, even if they're the reason you no longer have any other friends.

-Neither let you go for very long without seeing one of them. They can't go a day without checking in on you in person. Text or calls doesn't cut it.

-Leo loves to send you memes and funny videos, and gets upset if you don't respond/react to them. He'll probably end up at your window within half an hour of you missing a text, worried something happened to you.

-Have slowly driven a wedge between you and all of your other friends, effectively isolating you. Neither Leo nor Donnie even let you hang out much with Raph or Mikey, preferring to keep you as reliant on them as possible. You're their friend, and they're the only friends you'll ever need.

-They'll insist on sleepovers, or you staying over with them a lot. Leo especially likes to guilt trip you into staying over, constantly whining on how you're avoiding them if you don't. They're trying to get you used to staying with them, hoping that the longer you spend with them, the less likely you'll fight back when they decide you can't leave.

-They're also incredibly protective of you, always judging who you're with or who you want to make friends with. They have something on every person you try to form a bond with, trying to feed into your paranoia while painting themselves as your heroes. Donnie and Leo aren't like everyone else, you can trust them.

-Because of the different ways Leo and Donnie handle things with you, it ends up being in their benefit. You're mad at Leo? Donnie will spend time with you and try to calm you down while making you see Leo's point of view. You found Donnie's tracker and are avoiding him? Of course Leo knew nothing about it, but can you blame Donnie? He's only trying to keep you safe.

-Their tag teaming makes it so you will never be able to have a break from them, and you won't ever be able to be mad at one without the other coming to show you all the reasons you shouldn't be.

-They try their best to keep you away from the dangers of their 'work', telling you recounts of their fights while making sure you'll never see one firsthand. They want to impress you and make you feel like they will be able to keep you safe, but never want you to be in the line of fire. Your safety will always be their top priority.

-So when you show up with bruises and scratches one day, they're both immediately on high alert. Both are nearly immediately up in arms and ready to kill as you tell them what happened. By the time you finish your account, Donnie's already located the villain responsible and is having SHELLDON track their every move.

-Neither of them leave your side until you're feeling better and patched up. They're delighted you came to them, and know that if they left now, you'd be upset while having to deal with your pain and fear alone. They'll set up your favorite movie for you in the projector room, swaddling you in blankets and ordering your favorite take out.

-As soon as you've calmed down, and hopefully fallen asleep, they'll both go find who hurt you, and make sure they'll never be able to hurt a single hair on you again.

-When they return, they make sure to not alert you as they finally finish their preparations to the small train car they converted into your new room. The world is too dangerous for you, especially now that they've failed to protect you. They swear to never let something happen to you ever again, even if it means never letting you go. Which is fine by them, it's not like this isn't exactly what they wanted. 


Words: 718

Posted: 01.20.23

Request: Hi how do you think Yandere Leo and Yandere Donnie (together) hcs from rise would act as platonic yanderes friends who don't wanna share the readers with others , turtles rather keep the reader to themselves , but what if reader got hurt by one of the villains how do the turtles react to that 👀

A/N, not important: Sorry for the late post. I've been busy. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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