Rottmnt Helping you w/ Mental Health

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Mikey(Generalized Anxiety):

He tries to help you out the best he can.

He finds out what makes you anxious the most, whether it's social interactions, responsibilities, or different happenings in your life.

Once he figures it out, he helps you deal with it. He talks you through things and helps keep you calm in more stressful situations.

If you're uncomfortable with decision making, he helps you find out what you want and what would help you the most. He ends up learning exactly what you like best so he can quickly deduce what choice you would like best.

If you have trouble sleeping or something, he'll research everything that might possibly help. If nothing does, he'll try and stay up with you until you're calm enough to sleep. He doesn't want you to be up alone after all.

He can tell when you start to do everything. If you're okay with touch, he'll grab your hands and rub your knuckles and try to talk you through it, quelling as much of your anxious thoughts as he can.

Mikey will ramble on about his day or other things if you're feeling particularly anxious at any given time, trying to provide background noise in an attempt to help soothe your nerves. Seeing you all worked up makes him worried, and he doesn't want you to spiral.

Dr. Feelings will probably visit you often, especially when something stressful is going. He wants you to be comfortable talking to him about your worries.


Feels slightly responsible, despite that being completely unfound. He tries so hard to make you happy and refutes any negative talk with things you do well and things he loves about you.

He pays attention to your behaviors to make sure you're okay, well, as okay as you can be. He doesn't want you to feel like you're on your own for this. He's ready to support you at any moment.

If you can't get the motivation to get out of bed or eat, Donnie will visit and help. He's ready to let you lean on him if needed. He doesn't mind being there for you whenever you need.

Is always ready to lend a hand or give you compliments. Words aren't his strong suit, but he'll make an exception for you. He does love showering you in gifts though. He likes to make small reminders for you to prove you're important.

He'll often end up having you hang out in his lab with him, just for some silent interaction. He would drop everything for you if needed, but he still wants to get work done. So you both came to the compromise of hanging out while he works. It helps because Donnie makes sure to include you in his work to make sure you don't feel like a burden.

Keeps a list of things that make you happy. He references it a lot to make sure he has something to talk with you about that you'll enjoy. He also uses it to help with deciding what to make you for a gift.

Raph(Separation Anxiety):

He knows pretty well what you're going through, and is happy to talk it through with you. Whether your stress is raised when you're away from what you know as home, or away from the people you love, Raph's always there to help you through.

Seeing you struggle as he does, Raph's quick to help walk you through. He discusses different coping mechanisms with you and walks you through it when you're feeling really anxious.

Would come to you in an instant if you called. He's always there when you need him. He doesn't want you to ever feel abandoned by him.

If you have a hard time sleeping alone, his room is always open for you. He'd come get you, or just stay with you. All you have to do is ask.

Helps you find different fidget toys and coping mechanisms that can help. If he wasn't able to get to you for whatever reason, he wants to make sure you know how to take care of yourself.

Gives you a stuffie that he claims he 'filled with love'. It's something simple, but he's hoping it'll remind you he's always there if you need it.

He gives the best hugs when needed. If you're overwhelmed and okay with touch, he'll wrap you in a big bear hug. He's not leaving you anytime soon and is happy to remind you whenever you need it.

Leo(Body Insecurities):

Knowing you're uncomfortable in your body devastated him. He thinks you're the most incredible person to walk the earth, and knowing you don't feel the same upsets him greatly.

He's constantly trying to pick up your spirit and make you feel better about yourself. You'll be showered in compliments and any negative talk about your image will be shut down.

Leo's great at reading body language, so he's quickly able to tell when you're feeling self conscious. He'll use that to time his compliments and hugs. He'll usually also drag you into cuddle sessions to help make you feel better. He loves you, no matter how you look.

Is very eager to remind you how much you mean to him. If you say one even slightly self deprecating thing, he'll follow it up with at least ten compliments. He somehow never runs out.

Like to cuddle you a lot. He thinks you're comfortable to just sit with. If his brothers go looking for him, he'll often be holed up with you watching a movie.

Keeps you feeling on the top of the world. He's always ready to defend you if someone gets mean and picks at your insecurities.

If you ever complain about how you look to him, Leo just hits you back with the "I'm a turtle mutant." argument. If you can love him despite being green with a shell, he can love you no matter what.


Words: 993

Posted: 09.08.23

Request: Hello! I'm having a bit of a rough time so I thought I'd send this ask. What would the turtles be like with a S/O that has anxiety, depression and PTSD? How would they help them if their depression is bad enough that on some days they can't get out of bed, forget to eat, etc? Bonus if S/O is plus-sized/kinda chubby and insecure about it.

A/n: Split it up so it's easier. I'm sorry. I am not diagnosed with any of these, and don't have experience, so I went off of Mayo clinic, google, and a friend of mine. Please correct me if I got something wrong. Also I skipped the PTSD and replaced it w/ separation anxiety because you didn't give enough details on how it goes with them- Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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