Slipped(Yandere! Rise Leo x Reader)

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Tw: Kidnapping, concussion, slipping off a ladder(mentioned), Leo being a creep, Leo being Yandere, MC's chained to the wall

'Tap, tap tap'

My bleary eyes blinked open, a deep fog settling over my brain and seeping into my chest. I could hear something tapping, almost like a countdown to my metaphorical doom. The blurriness around my vision starts to fade, as do the bright white spots speckles around the room. I look around, trying to figure out where the tapping is coming from. A grinning figure sits in front of me, his blurry fingers drilling against the small bedside table next to him. His colored skin and tan plastron paired with the shock his blue mask hinted towards his identity.


I let out a groan, my head feeling as if it had a vice squeezing against my brain. Leo's slightly blurry figure smiles down at me, seemingly completely calm despite the rage burning behind his eyes. I tried to escape. Again. If one thing was for certain, Leo was not going to be pleased. I shifted on the bed, the quiet rattling of the chains echoing around the small room seemed deafening, my feeling as if it would split open at any moment. I tug lightly at the restraints, wincing as the shackles rub against my wrist harshly. With my hands bound behind my back by the chains, I try to relax my shoulders, wanting to ease the dull throbbing in my arms and lower back. I looked around the room lazily, trying to focus on what was going on. I jump a bit when I hear two loud snaps in front of me, Leo having moved from his seat to snap his fingers in front of my eyes. I blink up at him, fear settling in my chest and binding with the fog.

"There you are. Can you hear me?" I watch as Leo's mouth moves, but the words take a moment to process in my head. Leo's sweet smile holds an anger I recognized well, and I didn't like the predatory gleam in his eyes. I shifted on the bed, trying to formulate the words in my mouth to answer Leo, but my tongue felt heavy. My mouth gaped at him a few times before I could get out my words.

"Your voice is fuzzy." I say, trying to keep my eyes open. I was proud I could get out the words despite my pounding headache, but a win was a win. Leo looks at me, a small frown on his face. His lips move again, but his voice is way too muddled for me to understand. I watch as Leo sighs before standing up, walking towards me as he mutters something under his breath. I try to scooch back, the cold tin of the subway car wall being pressed against my back. I whimper as he leans down, his hand stopping on the top of my head.

"Can you look at me?" He asks, his voice softer than earlier. My eyes drift towards his own, but I can barely focus on his face. I furrowed my brows as Leo went in and out of focus. Leo's hand moves to his phone and his other holds up my face by my chin. I tried to pull back, but his grip was firm. Not painful, but firm. I wince as Leo turns on his phone's flashlight and shines it in my eyes, his face set in concentration. After a few seconds of the torture and my headache worsening with a vengeance, Leo brings his phone back down, rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb.

"You're so stupid, you know that?" His voice is soft and gentle despite the harsh words, having obviously figured out my headache and not wanting to make it worse. Leo's eyes scan my face as he sighs, his hand moving to the back of my head and lightly tapping. I feel a sharp pain as my headache worsens from the small touch. I move my head forward, trying to escape his hands, but his hand drifts from the back of my head to the base of the back of my neck. He holds my head firm, not letting me move an inch to look away. "Do you remember what happened?"

I try to think back. I knew I tried to escape, and now I was here, so I assumed the attempt was unsuccessful. It'd be really weird if I was still here after I escaped successfully. But I couldn't remember what happened, nothing about the actual attempt. I remembered the beginning, when I initially bolted after Leo left the subway cart he called his room to go help one of his brothers with something. He forgot to lock it, so I took my chance. But now I was back in his room, chained to the wall with my wrists behind my back. I couldn't remember a thing. "Nuh-uh."

Leo rolls his eyes, a fond twinkle in them as he sits on the bed next to me, pulling me close to him. He forces me to lie on him, my head on his shoulder as my legs drape over his own. "You tried to escape again, love."

His voice was breathy, soft, full of a quiet fury he was trying to contain. I let out a small hum, the throbbing headache preventing me from doing much more. Leo's jaw tightens slightly, seemingly not pleased with my non-committal answer. The arm around my shoulders pulls me even closer to his body as the hand on my knee gently squeezes. "You have a concussion, by the way, and I didn't even cause it. It was all you, babe."

Leo looks down at me with a devilish grin, seemingly pleased about my injury. "Not even ten minutes without me, and you already got hurt. You are just nothing without me, huh." Leo lets out a huff of air, his chest vibrating against my arm as he laughs. "I still can't believe you slipped off the ladder to the topside. I really thought you'd get away for a minute there, but you just continue to prove how necessary it is you stay with me. This is for your own good, so stop trying to fight it."

Leo shifts me off of him, helping me steady so I don't ragdoll onto the bed. He checked the shackles on my wrists, giving me a soft kiss on the forehead before standing up with a cruel smile. "I'm off to go get some ibuprofen for your headache, then Don and I are going to give you a small brainscan, just to check everything over. Don't move, I'm being nice by helping you out instead of leaving you to face the natural consequences of your actions."

And with that, he leaves, the door clicking shut and having only my tears and throbbing skull to comfort me.


Words: 1134

Posted: 04/19/23

A/N, not important: Hey, I'm so sorry I've been taking such a long time to get fics out. I know it sucks, and I know I suck, but I'm going to try to speed it up once May 8th passes. I have a bunch of tests coming up, so I'm going to be posting maybe once more this week to hold you guys over. Once again, I'm so sorry. Hopefully I can go back to once a week once my life calms down again. Also! I've never had a concussion, so went of memories of a kid getting a concussion when I was in 2nd grade and the Mayo Clinic information. Please tell me if something's inaccurate! Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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