Rottmnt W/ RBF S/O

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Summary: How the Rottmnt boys deal with a S/O who has an RBF face that drops whenever they're near.


-Was really afraid you were pushing yourself at first.

-He knows your face is naturally deadpan, but noticed it started to change into a more soft look -whenever you two were together.

-He didn't want you to feel like you had to change your face when you were with him.

-He pulls you into a seminar with Doctor Feelings at some point, going on about how you shouldn't change yourself and that you were perfect just the way you are.

-You were utterly confused trying to figure out what he could possibly be referencing.

-When you finally asked, he mentioned how your usual bored face morphed into a soft smile when you were near him.

-You did not know this. You thought your RBF still held up when you were with him.

-You were both surprised at each other's information, both of you talking it over and Mikey was happy to learn you weren't trying to force yourself to change for him.

-He likes you the way you are, but was really happy to learn you naturally soften up when near him.

-Likes to draw you a lot with both of your resting faces, just to show you the difference. Has a whole bunch of photos of you as well, a range of expressions all within his camera roll.

-Likes to compliment you a lot as he knows you feel bad for looking so uninterested around other people.

-All in all, he thinks it's sweet but always worries that you are trying to change yourself, but he loves you for you. He doesn't want you to be any different than what he has.


-In all honesty, he couldn't care less about your RBF.

-He has one too, so he likes that you can both relate to each other through it.

-When your face started changing around him, he thought it was weird for a while, but mostly wrote it off. He just assumed you were trying to adjust your face so you seemed more interested when he rambled about something.

-It was a bit off putting, but he mostly didn't question it.

-Leo was the one to point it out in the end, joking about how your entire aura changes once Donnie comes near you.

-You were confused initially, trying to figure out what he was talking about, but Donnie -confirmed how you change when he comes near you.

-You're embarrassed, pouting as Leo laughs at you while Donnie just drags you back to his lab. His brothers were too loud.

-He actually asks about your natural face changing when he comes near and you both try to hypothesize why it happens. The best either of you could come up with was that you saw Donnie as a safe space, so your brain changes your face to reflect it.

-Donnie just thinks it's sweet.


-Knows you have problems with it and wants to help you.

-He is honored to know you care about him enough that your face changes when around him. He likes that he can bring out enough joy in you to make a small smile grace your features whenever you're near him.

-Feels pride in the fact that your brain drops the face when he's near. He's convinced it's your subconscious showing how much you love him.

-If you get insecure over it, he makes sure to reassure you that your RBF isn't your fault and you can't do much to fix it. He hates it when you get insecure about the things you can't control.

-Gets mad at Leo if he teases you, even if you're fine with it. He doesn't want something you've shown hesitance about to be made fun of.

-Loves you no matter what you look like<3


-In all actuality, he finds it really funny.

-He thinks the deadpan look you give off just adds to your charm and is overjoyed that he's one of the only people in your life it drops for. It makes him feel really special

-Brags to the others if you're still mostly deadpan around them, stating that he's obviously your favorite since your face goes soft when you're near him.

-You thought it was funny that your face changed near him and told him that your brain must think he was too cool to look bored around.

-He took this in stride and makes sure to mention it whenever he can.

-"Guess your brain decided I'm the best today, huh."

-Likes to poke and prod at your face, moving your cheeks up and down to make you smile or frown.

-Gets pouty when you pull away, he just wants to make you do silly faces is all.

-Loves to just talk and joke with you, seeing if he can get your smile to go wider. Has a notebook in his room with all the jokes that successfully made you laugh.

-He just thinks you look perfect, with or without an RBF.


Words: 829

Published: 02/26/23

Requested: yes - If you're still doing requests, than would you mind doing head canons about the rottmnt boys with an s/o who has an RBF but it immediately drops whenever they're together? Love your writings btw <3

A/N: Was a request, I have an RBF and I hate it so most of these stemmed from my own insecurities. Sorry. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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