Platonic Yandere Rise!turtles headcanons

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-Mikey is the most likely to see you as his sibling, having decided in his mind you both must be related.

-Mikey cherishes you as a friend, and whether he sees you as a sibling or just his best bud, he's acting the same for the most part.

-Likes to hang out with you a lot one on one. He doesn't want to share you with your other friends.

-Gets mad easily if you can't hang out with him because of your other friends or family plans.

-You're his friend, you should be hanging out with him!

-Tries to make plans with you for almost every day of the year. You can't hang out with other people if you're scheduled for a bake off with Mikey that day.

-If he can't make plans with you, he tries his very best to get you to cancel your plans with your friends. If you refuse? Uh oh, looks like that bakery you were hanging out at just happened to get destroyed. Must've been a random mutant. How disappointing. But at least you can hang out with Mikey now!

-Is still incredibly clingy, and he gets pissy if you try to push him off. He understands you're not comfortable with it, but it still makes him upset.

-Subtly guilts you into hanging out with him more. Mikey doesn't have that many human friends, he just wants to hang out with you. Do you not want to be friends with him anymore? Is he not good enough for you?

-If you call him out on his behavior, he tries to play it off. He doesn't want to admit what he's doing is wrong, but he'll tone it down for a couple days before returning to his usual intensity.

-Whenever he draws his little family portraits, you're there too. He never forgets to add you.

-He'll eventually try and keep you in the lair, probably after a sleepover.

-You're family to him, you should live with him. Plus, you're his best friend. Why should you leave? You can both have sleepovers every night now.


-Wants to control your life. Who you talk to, what classes you take, what your job is, and everything in between. He still tries to make you keep a schedule, and gets upset if you try to fight him on it.

-Has a tracker on you and your phone. Has the 'Donnie Blocker' on your phone like April's, as well as some possible spyware.

-Still doesn't like touch, would rather have you hang out with him and help him in his lab.

-Shows off a lot in front of you. You're his best friend, and he doesn't want you to get bored and find someone else.

-Won't take responsibility for anything he does that is inherently 'wrong'.

-If you have arguments, he ignores you for days, trying to make you feel bad. He'll whine and complain to his brothers and April, hoping his sorrow gets back to you.

-Low empathy for when you're upset with something he does.

-If you find out about the trackers, spyware, or other stuff he's done, he'll try to lie, or fess up but claim it was for your own good.

-Refuses to take them off despite being caught. He might pretend to, but he doesn't

-If you ignore him, he'll just send SHELLDON to go hang out with you for a while. SHELLDON doesn't leave until you visit Donnie again.

-He constantly tries to convince you to stay in the lair.

-In his mind, you being there with him would benefit you more than continuing to leave and go to school. He even offers to set up an online school for you or to teach you himself. If you don't try and leave, of course.

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