2012 & Rise! Mikey w/ S/O who plays with their mask's

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TMNT 2012 Mikey:

-It brings him comfort.

-Mikey is a very touchy and expressive person, so having that silent confirmation of you still being there, even if you're zoning out is nice.

-He tries to keep his head still when you do it, not wanting to accidentally knock you back into the real world.

-In his mind, it's the equivalent of you playing with his hair, and having the pressure of the tug of the mask or the accidental brush of the tip of your fingers on his head is grounding for him.

-He sits on the opposite side of your dominant hand when he knows you're going to do something that would make you zone out(ie: drawing) so you can continue your activity while playing with his mask.

-Picks up the habit himself in a way, and he starts to play with your hair if you let him.

-Asks you to do it even if you weren't zoned out or anything.

-He likes the feeling of it, it makes him feel loved that you seek him out as a form of comfort when you're zoning out.

-Will sometimes rest his head on your shoulder while you do it, especially if you're both -watching a movie.


-Finds it sweet.

-He welcomes the fidgeting with open arms.

-Mikey has a craving for physical touch and having you willingly find comfort in him makes him incredibly happy.

-Like his counterpart, he's delighted your subconscious mind brings you to him for a form of comfort.

-He usually stops what he's doing for a moment if he can, trying to get him and you in a more comfortable position incase you end up being zoned out for a considerable amount of time

-While watching movies or shows with you, whether in the comfort of his room or in the projector room, he'll situate himself so you can easily start to fidget with his mask tails if you need help paying attention.

-Gets you some fidget toys so you could have something with you at school, work, etc.

-Likes you cuddle with you while you mess with his mask.

-He'll lay on your stomach while you fidget if he's able, the soft pressure of the tugs making him feel sleepy.

-He'll ask if he can play with your hair too, wanting to fidget with you as well.


Words: 395

Posted: 05.16.23

Request: May I request TMNT 2012 and 2018 Mikey headcannons with an s/o who subconsciously pulls their Banda when they zone out

A/N, not important: I assumed 'Banda' meant Bandanas, pleas correct me if I was wrong. I'm sorry this probably isn't what you wanted, nor expected. My writing has been declining lately, and I apologize. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me

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