Birthday(ROTTMNT Leo x Reader)

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Leo scrolls through his phone as he chews on the cereal he poured himself, the early morning chill still in the air. He hadn't meant to wake up this early, but his mind was buzzing with thoughts of a forgotten fact he needed to know. After seeing the calendar in Raph's room, he couldn't help but feel like he was missing something. Today was important, but he couldn't figure out why. Leo sighs in defeat, putting his phone down so he could pick up the bowl and drain the last of the milk, wiping the liquid mustache from his upper 'lip' when he was done. His phone buzzes on the table, an alert from his calendar popping up. Leo picks up the phone and reads it slowly, his mystery solved. It was your birthday.

Leo nearly slaps himself, feeling a bit miffed that's what he forgot. Sitting up in the dark of the kitchen now, he stares at the notification in slight disbelief. He didn't have anything planned. The date had blown over his head, and now he was left with nothing. Leo chews on his cheek, thinking. Your parents weren't in New York, and you hadn't mentioned flying out to see them anytime soon, so he could only assume that they weren't throwing you some party that would give him some time to plan. Leo taps his phone against his chin, groaning. He didn't even know what to get you, if anything at all.

Leo grumbles as he stands up from his place at the table, putting his bowl in the sink and slowly washing it as he tries to think of what to do. He didn't have a gift, and he doubted his brothers knew about your birthday either since no one mentioned it. As he thinks it through, Leo puts away the bowl he was using and leans against the counter, trying to come up with a last minute game plan. It was early, and it would be easy enough to get you a present considering his portals and the money he had stashed away. What to get you wasn't difficult either, considering you weren't the most silent when you found things you were fond of. He could get you another plant, probably some fancy flower or succulent. Even if you already have that variety, you'd be ecstatic to get more.

Leo looks into the dim lighting of the lair, contemplating. He didn't want to just give you a present and a happy birthday. Despite you most likely never knowing he forgot, he still felt like he had to make it up to you. If not for his calendar, he'd have forgotten entirely. You needed something grand to make up for his hidden lapse in memory.

Leo tries to think about what he could do as he walks back to his room, his mind going over the possibilities. He could get his brothers to help him throw you a party at the lair, but it was a huge mess. They hadn't had a cleanup day in a few months now, and everything was trashed. Even if they cleaned from now to late tonight, they still wouldn't be done.

Most venues were off limits considering their situation, and he doubted you would be happy if they celebrated your birthday in heavy disguises. Leo looks around the living room as he passes through, hoping for some inspiration. He needed this to go perfect for you. His dark eyes land on a pizza box laying on the floor, Hueso's face and the restaurant's name plastered on the top. Leo grins, stopping in his tracks as he realizes the perfect place to host the party.

Leo dials Hueso's number as he goes back into his room, negotiating the restaurant's venue to hold the party. 2 promised favors and thirty minutes later, Leo jumps for joy at the confirmation. Per the agreement, it would have to be after closing so Hueso doesn't have to shut down his restaurant for this, and Leo was happy to oblige. The Run of the Mill was only open until ten anyways, so it wasn't a huge deal. The party would go at ten-thirty, with thirty minutes to set up everything they wanted. Leo felt giddy at the news, knowing his plan was slowly coming together. He'd make it up to you, whether you knew or not. Leo flops down on his bed, scrolling through his phone and texting April the plan, letting her know not to tell you. She doesn't respond, which Leo expects considering how early it was. Feeling lighter and a lot more tired, Leo sets down his phone and lets his head hit the pillow, a smile on his face as he finally gets some rest.


Hueso watches Leo as he jitters around, the Hamato's and their friends all adding the final details to the restaurant's decorations. Balloons touched the ceiling, and banners were spread out in odd places, most of their designs courtesy of Michelangelo. The different streamers and hanging decorations made Leo relieved with how the party was being set up. Everything was going smoothly so far, all they had to do was wait for you to show up.

Leo looks at the time, counting down the seconds in his head. They had around three minutes before you were supposed to arrive. Leo can hear Donnie's alarm go off, his head turning to look at his wide-eyed brother.

"Flick the lights!" Donnie calls, grabbing Mikey to go and hide under one of the tables together. The lights dim, Hueso standing next to them so he could turn them back on as soon as you came in. Leo joins Raph and April under a table, watching as his father, Draxum, and the Jones' hide under another.

Seconds go by in silence, the time dragging on and making it seem like hours. Everyone holds their breath as the wall glows blue and swirls around, you finally stepping out into the darkness. You squint, confusion showing through the dimness of the restaurant before Hueso flips the lights back on and everyone jumps out.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone screams in chorus, making you yelp from the surprise. You hold your hand over your heart as you double over laughing, your hands shaking as you pat your knees. Mikey rushes over to pull you into a hug, jumping up and down with you while you both laugh.

"You made it!" He squeals, letting you mostly go, his hold shifting from your full body to your wrist. He drags you over to the table set up with food, talking your ear off while hogging you from everyone else. Well wishes and "Happy Birthday's" get passed around to you, the light in your eyes growing as you seem to fall right into the celebration. Leo smiles while watching you with his family and friends, your appreciation for the party shown through your own grin. He felt proud, knowing the party, although fast tracked, was something you were enjoying.

Leo pushes himself off the wall, walking into the cluster of people so he could talk to you too. It was a celebration, and staring at you wouldn't do. The group easily expands to let him in, Leo quickly filing into his usual place beside you. His hand finds yours and you squeeze it softly, letting him know you knew he was there despite you locked conversation with Donnie.

Leo's smile widens as he sees your bright face, his chest tightening in joy. Yeah, he did good. You were going to have a great birthday.


Words: 1264

Posted: 11.01.23

A/N, not important: This was supposed to be everyone equally, but Leo ended up stealing the focus and I just went with it. Oops. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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