Sleepless Nights(Rise! Raph x Reader)

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The room was dark, too dark. Every corner seemed to harbor a monster, every sound was a threat. You squeeze your eyes closed, curling back up next to Raph as you try to keep your heart from racing and your mind from spinning. Nightmares were a dime in a dozen, but they were worse every time. You desperately just wanted to go back to sleep and escape the eyes you were certain were watching in the dark.

You flinch slightly when Raph's arms tighten around you, his breathing more jolted and full. He tucks his chin over your head and pulls you close, letting you hide in his arms. You felt guilt crash over you for a moment, feeling awful for waking him. You didn't want to alert him or to burden him with your problems, especially when he was barely getting enough sleep between missions and the foot's relentless attacks. You let yourself melt against him, his breathing slow and exaggerated to make it easy for you to follow. Your mind starts to calm as your breathing matches Raph's, your panic slowly subsiding. He slowly rubs your back, waiting for your heart to level out before speaking.

"You okay?" He gently asks, slipping his head off yours and kissing your temple. "You seem pretty shaken up."

"Just a nightmare," You mumble, curling into the giant turtle. He was holding you tightly, as if he was trying to shield you from every hardship the world had to offer. You appreciated it, basking in his warmth and his strength. His arms were somewhere you always felt protected.

Raph carefully picks you up and rolls you over to the other side of him, your back now against the wall. His large body was blocking your view of the rest of the room, no longer giving your imagination enough room to run. You readjust into your new position, feeling a lot safe now that you had a buffer between the hidden horrors you saw in the dark. It was childish, but it worked.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, rubbing your face softly. He looked ready to sit up, almost fully alert and awake. His eyes were focused on you, the dim light shrouding his face and barely letting you see him. You shake your head, kissing his lower palm as it sits near your face.

"I can't remember much anymore, if I'm honest." You admit, a bit sheepish. It felt stupid to be so afraid of something so futile you couldn't even remember it, but the fear felt so real. It was awful, sitting wide eyed and alert with nothing to be afraid of except your own mind. It would have taken you hours to calm down if not for Raph's help.

Raph only smiles, just glad you were no longer scared silly. He continues to gently rub your cheek for a while, mindlessly swiping just under your eyes as if he were waiting for tears to fall. You were too calm now to cause any, but the gesture still filled you with warmth. Everything he was doing was just making you feel safer, the images your dream forced into your mind disappearing more and more by the second.

"Sorry for waking you." You say softly, your hand resting over his. He chuckles softly, pulling you closer so you couldn't escape his hugs.

"Don't be sorry. I would have felt awful if you had to help yourself on your own."

He never failed to make you feel loved, your heart swelling double in size. You let your head loll forwards and gently meet his, finally able to see the dim color of his eyes in the dark. He looked so kind, so caring, so sweet. Like you were his word and talking you down after a nightmare was something he didn't mind doing every day for the rest of his life. You couldn't help but admit you felt special, being looked at like this. Raph was the greatest thing to ever happen to you, his love showing no bounds.

You lean in and kiss him softly, a silent appreciation for his help tonight. His giddy smile against your lips let you know he appreciated it, his snaggle tooth brushing against your skin. He pulls back and pulls you in close once more, letting you hide your face in his shoulder as he slowly rubs your neck and shoulders. He was waiting for your head to lull and eyes to shut, grinning proudly when he finally felt you slump. He continues to maintain the pressure on your back for a few more moments, ensuring your peaceful sleep. It only takes a few minutes for him to join you, his breathing evening out once your safety was ensured.


Words: 797

Posted: 02.010.24

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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