Allergies: Rise! Donnie x NB Reader

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Donatello was confused. He knew in his mind that there should be a simple answer, but he couldn't find one. The internet wasn't helping him, nor were any of Leo's medical books, and Donnie was starting to get worried. But most of all, he was confused, and Donnie hated being confused. Especially about such a seemingly simple question. Why did he seem to stop functioning whenever Y/n came near him?

Donnie has known Y/n for a couple years now, and they've slowly secured their spot in his heart as his best friend. He knows for a fact he's never felt so weird around them before, he would have avoided them otherwise. Which is what he's doing now. He could hear their laughter ringing through the lair, obviously finding  something one of his brothers said or did funny, and it made him feel weird. A burning sensation seemed to settle in his chest, and Donnie had to remind himself to unclench his jaw. He could tell he was jealous, that was a feeling he was quite familiar with, but he wasn't too sure of what he was jealous about.

Definitely not of Y/n. He hides away in his lab because he already spends too much time with them. Using the same logic, he shouldn't be jealous of his brothers either. After all, they spent the majority of their time with him, and probably would be hanging out with him right now, if not for the fact that he sent Y/n away at the door when they first arrived 4 hours ago. Was it mean? Probably. However, it was necessary as it is quite hard for Donnie to work when just looking at them made his stomach tie up in knots and keep his brain from properly functioning.

So jealousy is most definitely one of the emotions he's feeling right now. Another was frustration, specifically at the fact that he can't seem to find out what is wrong with him. that was another one Donnie could easily slap a label on. The third emotion however? The third is the mystery emotion, the one that he seems to only feel every time Donnie sees or thinks of Y/n.

Donnie gets knocked off his train of thought when someone busts through his lab's doors. Donnie looks over and groans at the sight of his blue-coded brother. Leonardo sports an obnoxious grin on his face as he waltzes up to where Donnie's sitting. Donnie turns in his chair, his back to Leo. As much as he hated to admit it, he was still a bit jealous that his brother was hanging out with you.

"Soooooo...." His brother starts, leaning down on the backrest of Donnie's chair, "why are you avoiding them?"

 Ah, getting straight to the point then. How unlike Leo, this must be serious for him. Donnie freezes for a second, wondering how Leonardo figured it out, but quickly regains his composure.

"I have no idea what you're talking about 'Nardo." Ah yes, lying. What a great way to start.

"Oh come on! You don't really expect me to believe that, do you" Leo exclaims as he throws his hands in the air. Donnie sighs and turns his chair around so he's facing his brother.

"You should believe it, it's the truth! I have no idea what you're talking about. The only person I ever try to avoid is you, but that never works out, otherwise you'd be somewhere else, and I'd be left in peace." Donnie says, glaring up at his brother. Did he just spit out a bunch of lies? Yes. Did he care? no.

 Leo rolls his eyes at him, looking around for a place to sit so he could properly scold his self-proclaimed twin. Leo takes great care in exaggerating his movements as he brushes a bunch of Donnie papers and stationary out of the way, making Donnie twitch in anger. As much as he would love to strangle his brother, Donnie knew Splinter would be disappointed if he did.

Leo dons a smug grin as he sits on the desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he leans back.

"As much as your words wound me hermano, I still don't believe you. You, my good sir, are avoiding Y/n-"

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