Weighted Wounds(Rise! Leo x Reader)

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I stare down at the broken city, disappointed with the destruction the Kraang brought with them. Sure, I wasn't exactly what could be called a stand-up citizen, but this was my home too. It had been two weeks since the Kraang invasion, two weeks since I had fought alongside the people I had known as enemies, two weeks since I had last seen them alive. After the Kraang ship exploded and the portal closed, I hadn't seen any of the turtles or their friends. Not that I'm worried of course. They were all resilient, able to survive everything thrown at them thus far. Even if they weren't okay, I was a villain and they were heroes. Something happening to them would just be a relief to the constant thorn in my side they insist on being. I couldn't start caring about them, not now. No matter how much I was worried.

I turned around, facing away from the broken city. Repairs had started, but it would take a long time. People were missing, buildings had fallen, and morale had gone down. After all, an alien invasion wasn't something even New York could instantly bounce back from. We would heal, but it would take months, even years. I start to head back to my home, jumping across the rooftops when I can and using the fire escapes on others. It was calming, the wind brushing against my face as I ran. I avoid the remaining rubble and the broken glass littering the rooftops, not wanting to slice open my legs.

I take a running jump, feeling myself being suspended in the air before gravity takes hold once more. Shifting my weight, I crouch down as I land, trying to lessen the impact on my still bruised legs. I use the momentum from the landing to shoot myself forwards, laughing as I feel the wind against my face. I get ready to make the next jump, my arms swinging backwards to help gain the right momentum, but I falter when I hear a voice in the distance. Leo's voice. Slowing down, my arms sticking out to the sides as I try to not fall, my head snaps over to where I heard his voice. I knew I shouldn't care, why did it matter that I heard him? We were enemies, I hated him, and he hated me. Right? I ignore my screaming brain, walking forwards and peering over the edge of the roof.

There they were, the four turtles and their human friends. Gross. I let out a grimace, watching as they waited in the alley, 3 pizza boxes in the orange ones arms. I continue to scan over them out of curiosity, trying to find Leo. His brothers were all there, having minimal damage done to them(Except the red one, but I already figured his shell wasn't the only thing damaged the last I saw him.) I kept seeing basic glances of Leo, but the red one was blocking my view. I huff in frustration, moving along the edge of the roof to try and see him better. I could hear him just fine, but I wanted to see him.

I jump to a slightly lower building, keeping in the shadows so they don't notice me. I had no idea why I cared so much, but I felt like I needed to see Leo. I wanted to make sure he was safe too. I duck down farther behind the ledge of the rooftop, the entrance to Run Of The Mill opening as someone stepped out. A very goat-like purple yōkai, stepped out. I groan, grimacing as I look at Baron Draxum. I let out a huff of air, frustrated. I give up on staying behind to check on Leo. I heard his loud voice, so he was probably fine.

I keep quiet as I climb up a building, leaping across the residential and commercial buildings. If I really wanted to, I could just cause chaos in a few weeks to make sure they all showed up. But right now? Right now I just wanted to sleep. I jump onto a building with a wider roof, looking across the skyline. The broken city still managed to be beautiful, the people on the ground scurrying to be wherever they were needed. I hear a small thud behind me, my ears picking up the familiar pattering of footsteps. I continued to scan the horizon, pretending I was oblivious to the figure behind me. I grip my knife and shift my weight slightly, waiting until the perpetrator was in range. Once I could hear the breath of the person, I turned around, sweeping their legs from under them and holding a knife to their throat.

The attacker lets out a small yelp and a groan as they hit the ground, a shaky smile on their green face as they look up at me. It was Leo. I quickly get off of him, pulling him up with me as I put my knife back into its sheath on my side. I take in his appearance, my mouth pressing into a tight line as I notice his bandages. His carapace was completely wrapped up, as well as most of his plastron. Different bandage wraps were scattered all over him, covering most of his scaly skin from sight.

"What happened to you?" I ask, a small frown on my face. Leo's smile never drops, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I missed you too! You know, it's been so boring without you stirring up trouble every other day." Leo pulls back from the hug, a hand on each of my shoulders as he shakes me lightly, mock disappointment on his features. "You disappeared before my grand finale! You didn't even get to see how awesome I was! You are one cruel, cruel frenemy, you know that?"

I roll my eyes, batting his hands off my shoulders. "Oh please, I had more important things to do. Like, oh I don't know, making sure Kraang minions didn't kill a bunch of people?" I jut my hip out, looking Leo up and down again. "Seriously though, what happened after I left?"

"Aww, does someone care?" Leo teases, a smug grin on his face. My frown deepens, knowing I shouldn't be upset he was wounded. I shouldn't care. I should be ecstatic he got hurt, the only thing I should be upset about is that he wasn't knocked out of commission. We were enemies, they were friends of Draxum.

I turn around, trying to ignore the hole of despair growing in my chest. He was covered in so many bandages, new scars covering his visible skin. I felt sick just looking at him. Would he have been fine if I stayed? If I didn't rush off? I couldn't think of it right now, not wanting to come to terms with the fact that I cared for him.

Leo grabs my arm before I can jump to the next roof, pulling me back and putting his hands back on my shoulders, keeping me in place. "Hey, what's gotten into you? Are you okay?" His voice is soft and his eyes are full of concern. It all just makes me feel worse. "You're usually spitting back one liners and being all sarcastic, did something happen?"

I look back at Leo, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I try to figure out how to explain what I was feeling. I sigh, pulling Leo in for a hug, being careful not to put too much pressure on any of his wounds. I assumed I did a good job, as Leo just laughed and hugged me tighter against him. "It'd just be really inconvenient if something happened to you. You can't just leave me with your brothers, they're boring."

Leo laughs at that, pulling away from the hug with a dopey grin on his face. "I knew you cared."


Words: 1325

posted: 04/16/23

Requested: Yes - The scenario? Well...she is a new villain in New York with some unsolved things with draxum,wanna make him pay for past stuff and all. The turtles find out about it and of course go protect their dad for abvious reasons and when they find the reader,they are more sassy and flamboyant than Leo lol.

Reader is a menance (villain arc goes brrr) but at some point (probably on the kraang invasion) they helped the turtles noticing their feelings for Leo and kinda confess or sum?

Sorry for the long wait, I've been incredibly unmotivated and school's been killing me. I'll try to get something out later this week as well, but no promises. Take care, y'all.

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