Just Kiss(Rise! Donatello x GN Reader)

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Quick note: I know it says Gender Neutral Reader, but I just read this over, and it's technically fem coded. The reader has the female avatar and mention wanting to commission a dress. I am so sorry. GN pronouns are used, but it is fem coded.

Donnie shot you a smug look as he continued to get perfect scores on every move, his body mimicking every move perfectly. Your eyes met his and you tried to convey just how annoyed you were. He did warn you though. Donnie was the best at Just Dance, and he was going to beat you. Just like how he beat you at the last 36 songs you played with him. Every. Single. One.

It was honestly sad just how bad you were at this compared to him. You really wanted to beat him, just once. Too bad Donnie burning down his lab and handing his tech over to the Purple Dragons was ten times more likely to happen. Donnie trumps everyone when it comes to Just Dance. Or Dance Dance Revolution, but the machine they had found broke when Leo accidentally portalled Raph on top of it.

The song ended, Donnie standing proud with five stars to his name and a score of 13,255, while you were still at a pitiful three stars, and a score of 7,860. You took a step back and sat on the floor, completely out of breath. Donnie moved to stand in front of you, his hands on his hips and an incredibly smug look on his face.

"Had enough yet?" he teased, his eyes beaming with pride at winning once more.

"Course not, I just need a quick breather. Then I'll get back to beatin' you." you say as you take deep breaths. How is he not just as exhausted as you?

"Ah yes, beating me. Because that's totally what you've been doing for the past 2 hours."

You roll your eyes at him, knowing he's never going to let you live this down. Honestly, you weren't ever going to let yourself live this down either. Who loses thirty-seven games in a row?

You lean back against the wall, resting your arms on your knees. Your eyes shut as you try to calm your breathing, exercising plus being close to your crush equals a heart beat just a bit too fast. Being able to use the fact that you've been dancing for two hours as an excuse for your bright red face is a nice silver lining though. As bad as you lost to him, dancing with Donatello was fun.

You can feel Donnie staring at you, but ignore it for the most part. You were really too tired to care about what he was doing at the moment, focusing more on your breathing and calming your racing heart. That is, until you hear him start to leave. Your eyes blink open and you lean forwards, watching Donnie walk away.

"Hey, where are you going? I've only sat down for like, a minute. You're Not quitting' on me, right?"

"Nonsense, I'm only going to get us some water. You stay here, I'll be back soon." Donnie says as he waves his hand, brushing off your concerns. "Plus, I need to grab one of the other discs from my room. We've done most of the songs on this one."

You nod your head, letting out a sigh of relief. You and Donnie never got to hang out much anymore, with you in college and him being the protector of the city, you both just couldn't find the time. Today was the first day all month where you were both free, and you really didn't want to be done yet.

You'd think not seeing him as much would make your crush on him start to dissipate, but honestly, it got a lot worse. You used to be more subtle about it, your face only flaring up when he got super close to you or touched you. But now? He could be on the other side of the world and you'd start overheating just thinking about it.

You perked up at the sound of footsteps coming your way, thinking Donnie was back, but faltered a little when you saw Leonardo instead. Mikey may be the self proclaimed feelings expert and family therapist, but Leo was the Hamato love guru. Leo was the only one who knew about your crush on Donnie(that you were aware of), and he used it to mess with you every chance he got.

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