Waltz(Rise!Donnie x Reader)

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I watch the dance instructor move back and forth across the screen, guiding their partner in the dance. The music plays through my headphones and I tap my fingers to the rhythm, smiling. I glance at Donnie, his focus still on his computer.

When he asked me to hang out with him today, I readily agreed, hoping he had something planned. While that ended up not being the case, I was still fine. I appreciated him calling me over anyway, any time spent with him was time well spent. I shift my eyes back to my phone, watching the instructor explain the steps as he moves. My leg bounces to the rhythm, my eyes following the movements of the dance. It was a beautiful waltz, both dancer's movements fluid and sure.

I rest my chin on my arms. I wished I could dance like that, wish I could glide across the floor the same way they did. The simple movements were confident and refined. I could watch them move for hours.

"What are you watching?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at Donnie's sudden voice, my head turning to face him. I turn my phone so he can see the screen, the dancers still moving in sync. He watches for a moment and I eagerly wait for his commentary. The dance was so cool, and I knew Donnie liked dancing, so he'd definitely love this. I wait patiently for a reaction from him, my leg bouncing erratically now that I stopped paying attention to the rhythm.

Donnie's face does not change as he watches the screen, his eyes a dull indifference. He looks back at me and I meet his gaze. The video ends, but the waltz continues in my head, dancing around the lab with the same fluid grace. Donnie glances down at my phone, uncertain. "It's a waltz."

I nod, pulling my phone back to find another video. My face holds a soft grin as I put on another video of the dance. Donnie continues to watch me curiously. As the second video ends and I start to pull up another one, Donnie sighs. He pulls up a waltz and starts playing it over the speakers, his eyes flickering between me and the screen. He stands up once the music starts, walking over to a more open area of the lab.

The music is soft as it plays, drifting from Donnie's speaker with a quiet grace. While the waltz was nearly drowned out by Donnie's voice alone, the low volume made it all the more loud in the way it commanded space. Donnie tilts his head, looking down. He holds his hand out for me to take, clearing his throat with the other. "I presume you know most of the steps?"

I nod, taking his hand and letting Donnie pull me close. Our hands interlock outwards and we fumble for a bit trying to fix our other hands. Donnie huffs and sticks my hand on his shoulder and his falls to my waist. I let him, not arguing. If he wanted to lead the dance, he could. I was just happy he was dancing with me in the first place. Donnie guides me through the movements, my eyes down as I watch my feet. I may know the steps in theory, but not in practice. I had no idea what I was doing. I step on Donnie's feet for the second time and I grimace. This was a bad idea. I start to pull back, apologies falling from my lips like a waterfall over a cliff.

Donnie grumbles as I pull back, his arms holding firm. "You're the one who wanted this."

"I can't dance." I state plainly. Donnie stares at me blankly, his draw on eyebrows furrowing.

"Then let me teach you."

I hesitate. Donnie was busy, and I didn't want him to feel like he had to do this. I appreciated it to no end, but it was unnecessary. Donnie stares at me, his grip not releasing. I take a deep breath and move back into position, letting him shift me into the proper stance.

"I want to be able to love you your way, so you can't run when I try." He says softly as we start to move again. We go slower this time, Donnie explaining the movements as we go. We soon became more fluid and in tune with each other and my mistakes became less frequent. I grin giddily at Donnie, my heart exploding in joy.

We continue to move around the room in sync, the song soon dying out. I breathe out a sigh, my skin tingling with pride. Donnie's gaze matches mine and his is so full of love it's bursting at the seams. We stand there for a moment, still together in the pose. I hesitate, unsure whether to pull back or stay. My eyes widen as another waltz starts, Donnie's grin growing bigger. He pulls me into another dance, the music and our synced hearts the only thing to be heard.


Words: 844

Posted: 07.20.23

Prompt(s) requested: 17(Dancing)(The wanted a waltz) & 21("You can't run from my love.")

Request: prompt 17 with verbal 21 with rottmnt donnie

A/N, not important: Guys I'm so tired I just drove 6 hours and had this idea for the request pop into my head in the middle of the drive. Sorry it's short. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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