Shared Arguments(Rise! Yandere Donnie and Leo x Reader)

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Tw: kidnap mentioned, arguing, breaking leg, needles, chasing, yandere, dark themes, bad writing

I lean against the wall I was tied to in annoyance, frustration bubbling in my chest as I watch the two argue. They had been going like this for hours, and it was starting to get more irritating than frightening. I roll my shoulders, trying to fix the discomfort I felt. I watch as Donnie clenches his fists at his side, his eyes narrowed while he stares down the slider in pajamas. "It's MY night Leo! We agreed to the schedule, so we have to stick with it!"

Leo groans, leaning back against the wall dramatically. He pouts, trying to make his eyes

go big and doe looking to appeal to the empathetic side of his unimpressed brother. "But you got them all day yesterday!" Leo whines as he sinks down the wall. Donnie glares at his older brother, his face twitching. "It's only fair I get them tonight!"

"It's not my fault you broke dad's favorite mug yesterday. I just kept them company while you were out finding a new one. It is fair." Donnie's face holds no sympathy for the slider, simply staring down his brother. Leo avoids Donnie's gaze, staring at me instead. I shrink a bit, the metal rattling while I wilt under his watchful eyes. Leo frowns, his cheek sucking in as he chews on it in thought. I watch them both, staying quiet. I wasn't sure what to do. I just wanted to leave. I had been here in the lair for months, and it was always the same. I was tired of being chained as they argue. I was tired of being hurt. I wanted to see my family. I wanted to go home.

Donnie's words make Leo huff again and they both continue their arguing, Donnie stomping his feet with each word that comes out of Leo's mouth. Despite Leo's nonchalant nature, it was clear he was getting frustrated as well. Their words got louder and the arguing got more physical, Donnie looking as if he was about to strangle his older brother. I turn my head to the door, the heads of the oldest and youngest brothers looking through the door. Mikey smiles gently at me, waving. I scowl, looking away from him. He acted like he cared but I knew he would turn me over in a heartbeat if he caught me trying to leave. No one here cared about Leo and Donnie's problem, their behavior written off as nothing more than teenagers doing dumb stuff. My life being written off as nothing more than an afterthought, my person being written off as nothing more than a toy for the slider and softshell to break.

Raph wasn't much better than Mikey, but at least he didn't pretend to care about me. I refused to trust either, their loyalty was to their brothers despite the heroes they claimed to be. Neither Donnie nor Leo notice Raph walking in, annoyance on his face. I watch in slight amusement as Raph picks up the arguing brothers and shakes them slightly, making them both shut up.

"Why are you yelling!? It's one am in the morning!" Raph's voice was a harsh whisper, his face painted in tired anger. It was clear he was trying his best to stay quiet, not wanting to wake up their sleeping father. I watch Mikey leave, slipping away from the door where he was standing. I don't blame him. I would have loved to leave too. I finger the chains around my ankles, watching Raph yell at his younger siblings. The arguments were common, but always terrifying. It was rare Raph stepping in soon enough to stop the two from getting violent. Hopefully now was one of those times.

"Donnie won't let me have (Y/n) tonight!" Leo complains, crossing his arms as he glares at the softshell. Raph rolls his eyes, not finding Leo's reason good enough for the loud argument they were having.

"Tonight's my night! We agreed on a schedule!" Donnie's retort makes Raph shake them both again, the younger turtles quieting.

"How about this," Raph starts, tired frustration seeping into his voice. "You both sleep with them tonight. In the living room. Then you both get them and it's not a problem." Raph sets them down after he says his part, clearly expecting them to listen and agree.

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