Hand Sewn(Rise! Raph x Reader)

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The ruined stuffie in your hands made you frown, it's torn stitching letting the stuffing that once shaped it fall out. Raph sat next to you, a tight-lipped frown on his face as his fingers twitched on his led. He watches you inspect the bear in silence, his shoulders brought forwards and touching his jaw. You don't comment on the stench of nervous sweat filling the air, not wanting to bring down his mood even more. This was the bear you gave to him when you confessed, and now it sat ruined in your hands. While the sentimental value of it wasn't huge to you, Raph was practically attached to this bear by the hip, which would eventually be the poor stuffies downfall.

"I can just get you a new one, it's not a big deal." You assure him, trying to help bring up the large terrapin's mood. Raph shook his head, his snaggle tooth biting into his lip as he frown deepens.

"Raph doesn't want a new one." He says, a tone of distress lingering in his tone. you watch as his eyes linger on the ripped stitches and protruding filling, knowing he felt bad for breaking his stuffed animal. You purse your lips, trying to decide how to move forwards. You flip the stuffed animal over, inspecting it from top to bottom. You weren't new to fixing broken stuffies, many of your own having been patched over the years, but his spikes really did a number to the one in your hand.

"If I were to try and sew it," You start hesitantly, your hand caressing the black buttons the small teddy had for eyes. "I think we could patch it back up. It would look a bit messy because I don't have extra fabric on me, but he would be fixed."

Raph visibly brightens at the idea, his arms wrapping around your shoulder and pulling you into a tight hug. "Thank you. Dad has a sewing kit in his room, we could ask him for it."

You fondly roll your eyes and pat his forearm twice before starting to ease the stuffing back into the bear to try and fatten it out. Your hands twitched at the scratchy feeling of the cotton, Raph's weight on your shoulders making it harder to move your arms than you wanted. You don't say a word though, letting Raph continue to lean on you as he watches you remove whatever stuffing refused to back down. Although his eyes hold worry for the removed stuffing, he doesn't say a word about it.

"Raph will go get the sewing kit." He remarks, finally letting you go as he stands up. His chasm deepens as he glances back at the stuffed animal in your hands, but he says nothing. With no more words exchanged, Raph disappears from your room and presumably heads off to where Splinter keeps the sewing kit, leaving you alone with the bear.

You softly rub it's torn stitching, pulling loose thread to make it easier to sew back up. Its bright eyes reflected the light above you, making the inanimate object seem as if it had life breathed into it. It's limp arm stubs laid on your knees, asking for a hug. You chuckle lightly to yourself at the thought of the bear wanting affection, as being hugged was what destroyed it in the first place.

You continue messing with the stuffing as Raph re-enters, a small dingy shoebox so full of thread and needles and spare fabric, the lid couldn't close. The bed dips to the side as Raph settles next to you once more, head peeking over your shoulder and hands tucked into his chest. You don't say a word about the feeling of his breath on your neck, merely turning slightly so you wouldn't have to deal with it as much.

"Was your dad a seamstress?" You easily tease, the bear left to lay in your lap as you start to dig through the extensive yet scattered supplies. Raph gently shoves your shoulder as he grins.

"Nope, we just kept tearing everything he gave us. Some of the baby clothes he has stashed away are basically patchwork at this point."

You smile fondly at the thought of a younger Raph and his brothers with their clothes that were a medley of colors, having seen some of them yourself. You finally pull out brown thread and a thin needle, sticking the chosen needle into the thread of the spool so it would stay put. "Have you ever sewn before then?"

Raph shakes his head, his lower lip jutting out in a slight pout. "Nope. There wasn't much of a need, and Dad fixed everything we ripped anyways."

"Would you like to learn?" You offer, gesturing to the stuffie's open stomach. Raph tilts his head as he looks down at the teddy bear, considering your offer for just a moment.

"Yeah," He nods, looking both determined and excited. "I would."

You beam at him, quickly shuffling around until you're facing Raph so you could show him what to do. The bear is soon found in Raph's lap instead of yours, the fallen stuffing in between his thighs to keep it safe. You thread the needle and wax it for him while describing to him what he was going to do, assuring him he couldn't really mess it up even if he tried. You hand him his needle, gently guiding his hands through the first few stitches. As he continues to sew the rest on his own, you start to add the rest of the stuffing into the bear so it wouldn't flatten.

The final stitch is soon placed, and you easily instruct Raph on how to secure it, only having to help him once before he got it. The stitch job down its stomach was sloppy, but secure, no more stuffing leaking onto the floor. You return the needle and thread and set the box onto the floor, watching fondly as Raph admires his stuffed animal. It doesn't surprise you when Raph pulls you close, whispering his thanks into your ear. You simply smile, kissing his jaw and praising his needlework.


Words: 1039

Posted: 02.07.24

A/N, not important: Some of you probably recognize this from the Valentines day thing I was doing, but I'm moving them all here because I had to give it up. Sorry about this. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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