(1) New Message (Yandere Rise! Donnie x Reader)

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I flipped my goggles over my eyes, leaning forward with the torch in my hand. My hand moved in a slow straight line, welding the two pieces of metal together. The satisfying hiss and pops of the metal melting together was always soothing, calming me down from the outside world. I could feel small sparks landing on my arm and hands, adding to the scars littered across my body. Once the two pieces were fixed together the way I wanted them, I set them on a nearby table to start cooling down. I pick up two identical pieces, ready to make a matching pair to the first piece I made, when I hear my phone buzz.

I set the metal and my torch down, flipping my goggles up so I could see more clearly. I pick up my phone, expecting April or Casey to have been the messengers. I open up the messaging app, leaning back in my chair. It was an unknown number, having only sent a small message of a greeting. I sigh, setting my phone back down and ignoring the message. I would run a background check on the number later to make sure it wasn't some villain trying to gain access to my brothers and I. I move to pick my torch up again when my phone buzzes once more. It was another message, from the same number.

+1 555-555-5555: Hi!<3 sent at 2:23 am

+1 555-555-5555: Donnie? Is it not working again? Sent at 2:25 am

I stare at the phone in my hand, my brain stuttering to a halt. How did they know my name? I shake out of it, pushing me and my chair over to my computer, plugging my phone in and starting to gain access to the phone the number belonged to. Did the Purple Dragons figure out my phone number? Did they use April to get it? Was everyone okay? I waited for my programs to run, tapping my fingers against my desk as I waited for it to go through. I was disappointed that they were taking so long since I had made sure to program them to be quick. They had never taken more than a few seconds. What was going on?

I hear another buzz coming from my phone, glancing at the next message they sent. I stare at the words on the screen in confusion. Against my better judgment, I pick up the phone and start to type out a reply. The scan was taking a weird amount of time anyway, might as well attempt to get some information verbally.

+1 555-555-5555: this is so annoying! Why won't the bot work! Sent at 2:28 am

Bootyshaker9000: Who are you and how do you know my name? Sent at 2:28 am

Bootyshaker9000: Answer me. Sent at 2:29 am

+1 555-555-5555: OMG Finally! I was wondering if you broke again. I'm Y/n! Nice to meet u Sent at 2:29 am

I stare at their response in confusion, my brows furrowing. Who was this person? And what did they mean by me 'breaking' again? I waited for them to type another message, one that answered my second question. I started to get impatient when they didn't say anything else. I looked up at my computer, my jaw tightening when I saw the scan hadn't been completed yet. I look back at my phone, giving them another minute before I typed another message.

Bootyshaker9000: You didn't answer my question. How did you know my name? Sent at 2:31 am

+1 555-555-5555: Your one of the main characters of a show i like. It's called Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. So I found this chat bot app and decided to message you. Sent at 2:31 am

I curse under my breath. They know I'm a mutant and they seem to be mocking me. Main character of a show? Puh-lease. That's preposterous. I may be a genius, but even I know I could never show my face. Plus, I wasn't an actor. It would be a bit hard to be the main character if I never showed up to rehearsal. I keep drumming my fingers on my desk, trying to think of a good response that would call them out on their bull. This had to be the Purple Dragons. There was no other explanation. I pull up the trackers I put on everyone, checking everyone's location. It all seemed normal, as did their vitals. And no panic buttons had been pressed, so hopefully everyone was okay.

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