Where It's Safe(Platonic Yandere Rise Donnie x Reader)

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"I want to go home." My voice resonates through Donnie's lab, my feet swinging back and forth as I spin on the chair Donnie parked me in. He doesn't move, and I assume he didn't hear me. "Hey Donnie? Can I go home now?"

I chew on the inside of my cheek, fiddling with my thumbs. Donnie barely moves at my words, the slight tensing of his body the only sign he heard me. I let out a loud sigh, leaning back in the chair. I watch Donnie's back. No reaction. I sigh again, louder this time.

I was getting frustrated with Donnie's lack of acknowledgement, I couldn't understand why he was ignoring me. I slip out of the chair, it spinning slightly from the force I used to get off. I walk up to Donnie, my finger hooking onto the fabric wraps on his arm. I tug twice, my face furrowed. "Donnie?"

Donnie glances at me, his face set in a hard stare. His hands were tense, his eyes clouded with thought. It didn't seem like he was even looking at me properly. I stomp my foot, tugging on the fabric again. Donnie finally sets his current project down, the screwdriver set to the side. I straighten up, proud. I had gotten his attention, all by myself. I didn't even have to go to Raph this time!

"I want to go home." I repeat, my hands now clasped around his arm. I was bouncing on the balls of my feet. Maybe my parents would make my favorite food tonight, I hadn't been home in a while. Mikey's cooking was great, but nothing came close to what my parents made. I look at Donnie expectantly, waiting for him to get up and show me the way out. Maybe he'd let me ride on his battle shell again. I hoped so, it was fun.

Donnie's eye twitches slightly and he takes a deep breath. I frown. He wasn't standing up. He finally turns to look at me, my hands dropping to my side so he could move his chair fully. I grin up at him, waiting for him to get up, for him to take me home. I missed my parents. Donnie and his brothers were cool, but I liked my house. I was ready to go home. Donnie invited me to stay over with him two weeks ago, but I was bored now. It wasn't as much fun living in the sewers as I thought it'd be.

Donnie's eyes flick over me for a moment, his gaze scanning my features. He slumps in his seat a bit, two fingers rubbing where his sharpie on eyebrows were. I frown; he still isn't getting up. I move to grab his hand again, but he picks his hand up and faces his palm towards me. "Why do you want to leave? I thought you were having fun."

"I was, but now I want to go home. Please Donnie?" I whine, my voice drawing out the syllables to 'was' in a flair of dramatics. I pout, trying to get him to take me. I was tired of sleeping in the spare bedroom the Hamato's lent me. It was cool I got to decorate it, but I missed my room. It wasn't the same here.

"No, not right now. We're bonding."

I whine, throwing my hands in the air. "But why can't I leave? We 'bond' all the time."

Donnie sighs, his hand flicking through the screen to his right. I watch his hand move, the writing and diagrams flicking past the screen faster than I could compute. He glances back at me, a chart showing on the screen. His two pointer fingers touching on the screen, then moving apart makes it zoom in. The softshell angles the screen towards me, my body shifting to lean on his chair so I could examine the graph.

"This is your area's crime rate," His voice is soft, his hands moving across the screen and pointing at different sections of the graph. It was a line graph, showing the amount of crime in our area over the year. I puff out my cheeks, annoyed. How was this relevant? My parents were home and they were fine. "It's been spiking recently. My brothers can protect you here, I can protect you here. I'm your brother, I'm not sending you back home to your incompetent caretakers."

Donnie's words take a moment to process and I blink up at him. He was still talking, his hands moving around while he explains on and on about how living here with him is better, safer. I look away, my eyes focusing on the floor, then they table. Donnie isn't my brother; He's just a close friend. I chew on my cheek. Who did he mean by my 'caretakers'? My parent's? A deep frown etches onto my face, my bottom lip sticking out. He insulted my parents in the same breath he claimed to be my brother.

"You're not my brother."

My sudden words make Donnie pause his rant, his eyes shifting back to me. His face twitches again, his eyes narrowing to meet my own. His hands settle down at his armrests, a finger tapping against the chair. "Of course I'm your brother you dumb dumb."

I stomp my foot, my face growing hot in anger. "No you're not! And I wanna go home!"

Donnie ignores me, his hand waving away my words as if they mean nothing. His face is tilted, looking at me like I'm some dumb kid, like I don't know any better. "You are home."

I exhale harshly through my nostrils, turning sharply on my heel and heading for the exit. If Donnie isn't going to take me home, maybe one of his brothers will. I hear Donnie moving around behind me, the sound of items on his desk being shuffled around makes its way through the lab. I march up to the door, grumbling. It wasn't fair, Donnie was just being a jerk. My parents were not incompetent. They loved me and the stupid crime graph didn't mean a thing. Donnie was just being stupid.

The metal doors of the lab swing shut right before I reach them, and I jump back in surprise. I look at the door, my frustration and anger building in my chest. I hear Donnie's footsteps behind me, his presence taking over the room. I punch the metal doors, pulling my fist back in pain. My knuckles were red and my hand was throbbing, the metal not even dented. I feel myself tear up, my emotions building up and threatening to spill out. A large green hand encases my wrist, bringing it closer to Donnie's face. I try to pull away from his grip; I'm still mad at him.

"Now that wasn't very smart." He chides, his tongue tsking against his teeth. I stomp my foot, trying to wrench my arm out of his grasp. He holds tight, tugging on my wrist to get me to follow him. "Come one, I have some bandages in here we can wrap it with."

I stumble behind him, dragging my feet as we walk. I pout the entire way to the cabinet, his grip on my hand staying firm the whole time. He wasn't letting me pull away. Donnie clears a spot on one of his nearby work tables, sticking me on it so he could better access my hand. He turns to grab the bandages and I stick my tongue out at him. A surge of pride settles in my chest at the small rebellion. My face quickly schools itself back to normal when he faces me once turns back, my legs swinging back and forth as if I had done nothing wrong. My tears were long forgotten, but my anger was not.

I flex my hands as he tries to wrap them, closing the hand into fists and opening them again at random to mess him up. I snicker quietly at his frustrated face, my own expression molded into a fake innocence. His hand shifts in how it's holding my wrist, his thumb now pressed against my palm and making it difficult to close my hands. I slump backwards, my face pinched. Donnie looks down at me, rolling his eyes at my dramatics.

He finishes wrapping my hand and let's go, the mutant's eyes scanning the bandages carefully. I pull at the wrapping, grumbling at the way it made my skin itch. My foot lightly collides with his knee, his attention turning back to my face. Our gaze meets and I hold his eyes for a moment. "Can I go home now?"

The softshell scowls. "Why would you want to leave? You have everything you could ever want here. I'm taking care of you."

I shake my head and the turtle groans. He taps his foot on the ground, his hands on his hips. His lower lip juts out ever so slightly as he tries to figure out what to do. "What if... What if I showed you SHELLDON's blueprint's? Would that make you less upset?"

I pause for a moment. He would show me SHELLDON's blueprints? My brain shifts, the exciting offer forcing itself into the forefront of my mind. We could argue about going home later, but he may never offer to show me these again. I slip off the table, grabbing his hand and leading the mutant towards his desk. Donnie smirks as he follows me, happy to have distracted me in the moment. He could deal with a game plan on how to keep me here later. Donnie would always figure it out.


Words: 1613

Posted: 07.07.23

Prompt(s) requested: 1V("Well that wasn't very smart.") & 8V("See. Look at this. We're bonding.")

Request: 1 and 8 for the verbal prompts for platonic rise yan donnie where he sees the reader as a little sibling, if thats ok?

A/N, not important: Sorry for the absence, a lot has been going on. I'll try to catch up w/ requests soon. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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