Cold Hands, Warm Heart(Rise! Raph x Reader)

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My eyes flutter open as a chill runs down my spine, the heap of blankets paired with my warm pajamas not doing enough to fight against the cold. I shuffle a bit in my bed, trying to get comfortable again so I could fall back asleep. Winter has taken hold over New York, and the cold was finally starting to creep into my apartment. With my heater being busted at the moment, there was nothing I could really do except try and tough it out through blanket nests and warm foods. The company apparently can't send someone to fix it until Friday, so waiting it out is kind of my best option. I glanced over at the digital clock that sits snugly on my nightstand, the bright and bold numbers flashing the unfortunate time of 3:22 AM staring me down, serving as a constant reminder of my inability to get some rest.

I shift under the covers once more, avoiding the cold spots created by the lack of body heat. It's times like these I start to regret letting Leo borrow the heated blanket I bought a couple years ago. Guilt starts to pile up in my stomach for daring to think that, as I know he must have it worse right now. Even though they are warm blooded, all the turtle brothers tend to be more susceptible to both hot and cold than the average person. Lending Leo my precious heated blanket was a noble sacrifice I had to make if it means he's getting through this winter a bit easier. Too bad I'll most likely never see it again, stupid blanket stealing jerk.

My eyes finally start to droop as the drowsiness kicks in a bit more, my mind bouncing from Leo's blanket thievery to Donnie's recent invention to Raph's kind nature, and the serotonin that came with the final thought was starting to knock me out once again.

I came to realize my crush on the giant snapping turtle about a year after we met, and he's been at the forefront of my mind ever since. Even if his tall stature was a bit intimidating at first, his personality proved to me that he was just a giant teddy bear. A teddy bear with built in spikes, a dash of violence, and separation anxiety, but a teddy bear no less.

I lay my head against my arms, shifting the cocoon of blankets around me to try and keep the heat inside so I could stay warm. Feeling my body giving into the fatigue that held it in its grasp was comforting, and I hoped I could sleep till the sun's up. Constantly waking up to a dark room was starting to make my overactive mind run through the possibilities of ghosts, demons, and murderers that might be in my room with me.

My eyes shoot open as I hear my phone start ringing, the familiar tune cluing me in to who's calling. Raph. I launch my arm out of my warm blankets and aimlessly feel around for my phone. The cold of the room starts to seep into the opening my arm makes, and I grit my teeth at the unpleasant feeling. My hand finally feels the slick rubber of my phone case, and I quickly yank it back into my makeshift warmth pocket. I answer the call as I put the phone up to my ear, grinning giddily as I greet the snapping turtle on the other side.

"Um, hey. Sorry to wake ya'," he starts, and I note the grogginess and nervousness that seems to seep into his voice. "I know it's late, but I was wondering if ya'd like to come over? I had a nightmare, but don't wanna' bother any'a brothers right now, they haven't gotten much sleep as of late."

I smile softly at his words, knowing the double meaning behind them. He had another nightmare about the Kraang, and he doesn't want his brothers to see that he's still suffering. "Yeah, I'll be over in a second. I'm assuming I can go straight to your room, or do you want me to meet you in the living room?" After the Kraang invasion, Raph's been having nightmares, and I appreciated that he trusted me enough to ask for help.

"Kitchen, actually. I've started making some hot cocoa, and I'm not too keen on drinking it anywhere else. A bit worried I'd spill it, and most cleaning supplies are in Dee's lab."

"Okie dokie, I'm heading over now." I hang up the phone and take a glance around my room. Turning on the flashlight function on my phone, I get up and stretch a bit. The cold air washes over me like a tsunami, and I curl into myself a bit. I almost forgot about the cold while Raph was calling, and it's taking its revenge by ravaging my body with shivers.

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