Daydreamer(Rise!Raph x reader)

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The fan buzzed overhead, adding a comforting background noise to my foggy brain. The rain pattered against my window, hitting the roof with the familiar rhythmic drops that made me feel safe. A roll of thunder sounded in the distance, the boom muffled from the walls of my room. I laid on my side, cuddled up in the plethora of blankets piled on top of me, my mind racing despite the calming atmosphere.

The single lamp I kept on my desk was my only source of light, its warm glow made the entire room feel that much more welcoming, a proper hiding place for a lonely mind. Gosh, why didn't I just tell him. It would've been so easy, and I genuinely think he would've said yes. He was so caring while he helped me learn how to knit, showing me the proper way to tension the yarn and move the needles. His presence was kind and warm, and I swear I could've just died happy right there and then. I wished more than everything I could've told him, told him how happy just being near him made me, told him how his smile lit up the room, or told him how I never wanted to see him cry.

But I didn't. Instead, I just sat there, listening to his gentle words as he corrected the way I held the needles, or how I twisted the yarn. I was a coward. I pull one of my plushies to my chest for comfort, the bear with the red bandana and pirate attire being my victim. I let out a small laugh, nuzzling my face into the soft material of the plushie. Raph had gotten it for me after I had first seen his favorite Jupiter Jim movie, 'Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies'. It was a sweet gesture that made me fall even more in love with the giant snapper mutant. I couldn't help but feel a pang in my heart from the fact that I could've been cuddling Raph instead of a plushie if I had just told him while we were hanging out last week. It hurt me to know since we hadn't talked since. I couldn't help but be mad at myself, knowing it was my fault. I knew I should reach out, but my heart hurt too much to do so.

I wanted Raph to be the one holding me, his arms wrapped around me as we watch a movie, or his comforting presence helping me when he is able to convince me to do reps with him. I wanted to go on a date with him to Hueso's, or to walk around the Hidden City, arm in arm. I wanted to be with him, to be the one he goes to when he's upset, or wants to talk about his goals in life. I wanted to be there for him in every way I could, more so than I already was. I wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to love him. I just wanted him to love me too. I didn't want to mess up if I saw him again, to tell him too early, or not at the right time.

I squeeze the pirate teddy tighter, my lips gently kissing its bandana covered head, pretending it was Raph. Oh how I wished it was. I knew it was stupid, being almost 18 and still pretending my stuffed animals were my crush, pouting over being too scared to face my crush and not reaching out for a week. I knew if anyone saw me right now, I'd never live it down. Not that I couldn't lie my way out of it though. It was easy enough to just say I really liked this teddy bear. Even if it was mostly because Raph gave it to me.


I look up towards my window through my dimly lit room, my eyebrows furrowing slightly. That was too loud of a sound to be a raindrop. Was it hailing? I shifted on my bed, fishing around for my phone on my bedside table. I sit up, my legs folded under me as I rest on my knees. I open my phone, pulling up the weather app. Scanning through the temperature and the humidity levels, I saw no mention of a prediction or confirmation of hail. Only the current rain and thunder were being spoken of.

Tap tap tap

My head turns towards the window as I slide off my bed, slowly inching towards. A couple more taps sound from the window, too precise to be anything but a person. I pull back my curtain slightly, my eyes scanning for whoever was causing the tapping. I prayed it wasn't some murderer, trying to confirm my presence so they could jump out and kill me.

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