Wolf In Sheep's Clothing(Yan! ROTTMNT x defiant reader)

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Tw: drugging(Donnie), kidnapping, manipulation, harm to reader, breaking bones, threatening nature, unconsentual touching(non-sexual), dark themes, abusive themes, food restriction/forced starvation as punishment, yandere themes


-He's severely disappointed after he kidnaps you and you start to snap back. He tries to fall into his personas and talk it through with you, but gets severely frustrated at your pushback. He nearly cries when you try to hurt him.

-He chains you to him, not wanting to be far from you. He's convinced you're just scared, and that you need reassurance. If you're always with him, he can give it at a moment's notice.

-He tries to win you over with food. You're constantly fed your favorites and pampered to no end by him. Anything you want, he'll try and get. He wants to bribe his way back into your heart, not seeing a single thing wrong with how he's acting.

-When you start to get heated, he pulls you close and wraps his chains around you to keep you from lashing out. He just situates you on the couch or his bed depending on where you both are and cuddles you until you calm down. He'll make you sit with him for hours if he deems it necessary.

-Freaks out every time you try to hit him. He tries to convince himself it's an accident for months. You're so sweet, you would never do something like that to him. Once he realizes you're lashing out and trying to hit him on purpose? He gets pissed.

-He'll strip you of all your old luxuries, taking away something you enjoy with every hit. Soon you're not allowed any entertainment other than Mikey, being left with nothing to do but talk to him. He gives you less complicated meals, serving you the same thing he makes for the rest of his family instead of whatever you're craving.

-And if your anger still persists? He'll tie you down and keep you isolated, only letting you see him and be in his room. He'll break you down eventually, and he's willing to wait.


-Is completely unimpressed with your change in attitude. He treats you more as an unruly child than a person with valid feelings and wants. If you start complaining about a rule he set, he'll just reexplain his reasons and shut you down when you argue. He's the genius, he's the one in the right.

-Tries to keep you under check and placate you swiftly. He doesn't want to deal with this version of you, he wants his love back. He'll stop at nothing to get you back.

-He'll try setting up a reward system at first, wanting to not go straight into punishments. You've only been here for a few days, so he assumes you just don't know better. He'll reward what he deems as good behavior with sweets, time with him, or time doing your own thing. He wants to keep you happy and stimulated so you'll appreciate him.

-Drugs you the first time you try to fight him. He'll experiment with different doses until he's keeping you under some drug almost 24/7. If you won't listen, he'll just fix you himself. By keeping you too tired to fight back, he finds it much easier to hold you and love you. He's able to keep you under his thumb fairly easily.

-Takes you off the drugs once a week to see how much progress you made. If you're still too much of a hassle, he'll drug you again and wait a while. He doesn't want to rush it.

-Isn't afraid to break a few fingers if you keep trying to fight. He'll make you sick or break a leg once you get too unruly for his tastes. He's not one to let bad behavior slide.

-He'll slowly work at making you calmer, trying to bring you back to your old personality. He loves you and is willing to work with you, wanting to bring you back to your old self. He isn't going to lose you.


-He didn't expect a thing. You were always so sweet, he was astonished when he saw how hard you were fighting him. Your constant punches and harsh words made him upset. He thought this would be a smooth transition, and he was harshly mistaken.

-He tries so hard not to snap back. Seeing you fight him despite having almost no chance of winning was amusing at first, especially with your kind demeanor, but he can only take so much.

-He'll keep you tied and gagged in an attempt to keep the fighting down. He'll pretend you're fine, that you weren't hurtling insults and curses at him just moments before.

-If you actually get a hit on him, he'll go quiet. He'll throw you in his room and keep it locked, leaving you alone for hours on end. He doesn't want to hurt you, but you make it so hard to hold himself back.

-But if he loses his temper, and isn't able to walk away? You're going to find just how hard a genetically modified weapon of war can punch. He'll probably break your arm by accident, not even noticing. He'll grab you and yell, his grip getting tighter without him noticing. He doesn't let go until you're sobbing on the floor.

-He really didn't mean to hurt you, honest. Just listening to you tell him how much you hated him day after day made him snap. He can still take care of you, he just needs you to accept your place with him.

-He's constantly paranoid about you escaping. You're too volatile to be trusted, so you're either in his sight, or locked down tight. He'd be devastated to lose you. He just wants you to love him, and go back the way you were. You might want to hurry up though. Raph isn't known for his patience.


-He knew it would happen and saw the signs. During his months of stalking, he saw how you got when you felt threatened or spited. He was prepared for the backlash when he took you. He was ready to smother the fire out.

-He tries to give you a decent amount of leeway with your insults. He's hurt you would say all these things, but he's hoping if he shows he's not a threat, you'll calm down. Until you start fighting physically.

-The first time you try to punch Leo, you're not allowed to eat for three days. He ties your arms behind your back and holds you close, squeezing tighter in warning every time you try to squirm away. He wants you to feel safe with him, but he refuses to let you steamroll over him. He's ready to fight back.

-If you ever get a good hit, or try to majorly harm him, he'll break your hand. He's tired of your resistance, and just wants you to love him. If you fearing him gives him an opening to your heart, he'll jump for it. He's not too picky about how you fall in love, just that you do.

-Is constantly holding you or touching you. He's treating you like a feral cat, trying to get you used to him by exposure. In his mind, you're just frightened, so if he can get you used to him and his presence, you'll soften back up.

-Guilt trips and gaslights you to no end. He's constantly telling you how he's in the right, and that he's only punishing you because of your behavior. He promises he'll be sweeter once you do the same.


Words: 1244

Posted: 09.29.23

Request: What if we are actually a wolf in sheep's clothing? Like us the reader was so sweet and innocent but when Yandere Leo, Donnie, Mikey or Raph we would be unexpectedly dangerous?

A/N, not important: I just assumed 'dangerous' meant they fought back(aka, defiant). Also I wrote this in math class lmao. ALSO! IMPORTANT! I will not be updating this book until November 3rd. During the month of October, I will be attempting to write one oneshot a day for a horrotober challenge. On the first day of October, the book will be live. If you want to be apart of it, please go check it out! Thank you all! Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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