Rottmnt Yan! Horror movie HC

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Tw: implied kidnapping, yandere themes, unconsensual touching(nonsexual), forced to watch movies(?), horror movies, my writing


-I think he'd at least tolerate horror movies.

-They're not his favorite genre, him still getting spooked by the jump scares every once in a while.

-But he'd watch them, especially if he had you by his side.

-There are three ways it can go.

-Either 1:

-You both are unbothered by the movie, and end up rooting for the villain. Mikey makes a bet with you on who dies first. If you win, you can have an hour of supervised outside time. If he wins, you have to let him shower you in affection to his heart's content without fighting back.

-Only problem is, he has access to a phone. He looks it up. You can't.

-Do you take the bet?

-Scenario 2:

-You love horror movies.

-Blood, gore, jump scares?

-That's your niche.

-In this case, Mikey would just use movie time as an excuse to hold you close.

-He doesn't mind the movie, but it's not his thing, so he ends up using movie night as a cuddling session.

-Gets annoyed if you try to push him off or regain your personal space.

-He'll just turn off the movie, then continue to lay on you.

-Now you have to cuddle him, and you don't get to even watch your movie.

-Option 3:

-You hate horror movies.

-They scare you, they upset you, you don't like them.

-Whether it's the gore or the jump scares, horror movies freak you out.

-Mikey uses this to his advantage.

-Pulls you close and whispers soft nothings into your ear as you cower from the tv.

-Pretends like he's your savior when he turns off the movie, promises cuddles and your favorite food for dinner.

-Makes it hard to say no to whatever he wants.


-Could not care less about horror movies.

-He's seen worse out on the streets of New York while defending the city. Why should he care about some fake girl getting stabbed by a fake monster?

-Horror movies are all stupid to him. Except psychological ones. I could see him enjoying those. He'd like the Saw franchise if it wasn't so gorey.

-You, on the other hand, completely depend on how interested he is in the movie.

-If you like horror movies? Cool, he'll play one on a monitor at his desk so you're forced to spend time with him while he works.

-Doesn't pay attention to the movie much, just enjoys having you near him. Even if he forced your hand a tad bit. It's not his fault you wouldn't stay in the seat. Even after he went through so much trouble to set up your favorite movie, tsk tsk.

-Neutral on horror movies? That's fine, he just won't really bring them up unless it's a family movie night and Leo picked a horror.

-Then he's forcing you to debate the characters with him. If he's stuck spending time with family, he's at least going to enjoy it by analyzing the stupidity of the main character.

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