Rise Turtles w/ Asthmatic, Non-Resisting Sibling Reader

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Rise Turtles w/ Asthmatic, Non-Resisting Sibling Reader who refuses to interact with them

Tw: reader is not happy, babying, spyware, forced interaction, kidnaping, yanderes



-Mikey is overjoyed you aren't resisting much, but is upset you're not integrating into the family as well as he hoped, but understands you're going through a hard time.

-Mikey is very in tune with his emotions, and as much as he currently hates yours, he understands he will just have to wait it out.

-Doesn't really leave you alone for long though, constantly hanging around you or trying to force you into joining activities.

-Will act really sweet and soft to you, almost like he's trying to tame a wild animal.

-Is always making your favorite food or giving you little treats, trying to bribe you into liking him.

-Will get all mopey if you refuse to talk to him for more than a few days and try to guilt you by crying.


-Is almost constantly monitoring you over your health.

-Donnie puts a camera outside your room that alerts him every time you leave.

-Once he's alerted, he will either go out to find you himself, or will text his brothers your out.

-Donnie will send Shelldon to your room so you can hang out with him. In Donnie's mind, if you warm up to Shelldon, you're warming up to Donnie.

-Lets you hide in the nooks and crannies of his lab when the other brothers are pestering you too much. There's so many tight dark spaces between all his stuff, and Donnie isn't worried about you being hurt.

-Plus, while you're in his lab, he can keep an eye on you.

-Donnie doesn't bother you much, mostly treating you like a small child and bringing you in for 'sibling bonding'(aka, Donnie locking you in his lab with him as he put a movie on his computer that you watch while he codes).


-Gives you space.

-While Mikey's the more hands on softie, Raph is more of a silent observer.

-He makes sure you aren't harming yourself and your inhaler is always full and nearby.

-Raph doesn't want to scare you in fear of making you pull away even more. You're a part of the family, and he cares about you.

-Babies you so much. One, you're younger than Mikey. Tiny baby can't do anything without Raph's help. What if you get hurt trying to cook?

-Two, you're obviously not okay right now, and he's worried.

-Will silently watch you whenever you leave your room and will periodically check on you, just to make sure you're okay.


-In Leo's mind, this is resistance. He's your brother now, and as your brother, he demands you hang out with him. Or come out of your room. Or talk. Or do anything.

-Leo gets all huffy when you don't respond. He understands you're probably depressed, but he really wished you weren't.

-If you hide under you bed or under you blankets, he'll sit on the floor by you, waiting for you to open up.

-Leo's almost always *near* you. He just wants you to talk to him.

-Will take shifts with Mikey on keeping an eye on you.


Words: 512

Posted: 05.20.23

Request: How would yandere turtle react to reader who is like a little sibling to them not resisting.. Just some mental breakdown, might sleep in tight dark places, bad moods alot of silence and have a lung Proplem like asthma so they need to go to a doctor to get thier annual needles? (for the reader is female)

A/N, not important: Apologies for the wait and sub-par quality. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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