Doggy Do's and Doggy Don'ts (Rise!Mikey x GN reader)

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Mikey sticks his tongue out in concentration, the rubber of the basketball griping to his hand in that oh so satisfying way. Mikey makes the shot, but Leo, of course, blocks it. Mikey grits his teeth in frustration, looking over at Donnie for help. Donnie doesn't match his gaze however, being too busy trying to stop Raph's rampage towards the basket. Mikey gets into position, trying to figure out if Leo was going to pass or shoot so he could block accordingly.

Raph calls out to Leo, trying to get him to pass him the ball, and Leo nods at him. Mikey sees the interaction, moving into a good position to intercept, but Leo feints and throws the ball at the basket, making it in and ending the game. Mikey groans in frustration as he watches Donnie drop from Raph's arm that he was clinging onto. Leo won again. This was the third game they've played, and Leo and Raph have won every. single. time.

Mikey could tell Donnie and Raph were starting to get fed up with Leo too. While he toned down his horrible team player skills, nothing any of them said or did could get Leo to stop his incessant bragging when he won. Honestly, it was getting really annoying.

Mikey sighs as he watches his blue brother torment Donnie once more. Mikey really thought he might grow out of his ego as he got older, but here he is, 19 years old, and still the biggest goof around. Mikey appreciated his ability to joke around most days but being made fun of after a loss still sucks.

"Nardo, we talked about this." Mikey hears Donnie say as he tries to avoid his twin from grabbing onto him. Raph walked over to Mikey, seemingly giving up on dealing with the disaster twins. Mikey sits down on the ground, Raph following soon after, both of them tired from the games they had been playing earlier. Leo was finally able to latch onto Donnie who started biting his twin at any chance he could. Mikey laughed while watching his brothers wrestle, Raph starting to cheer for Donnie who was trying to pin Leo.

Donnie finally succeeds in getting Leo pinned, moving to sit on top of his defeated brother, keeping Leo from throwing Donnie off of him. Raph and Mikey keep cheering for Donnie, proud of his accomplishment against their brother, and Mikey barely registers the brown blur that flies towards Donnie. Donnie definitely noticed it though, especially when it knocked him over. Mikey and Raph stop laughing at Donnie's cries of disgust, both getting up to see what attacked their brother. Leo's laughter was now the most prominent sound around, him picking up the small wriggling body that had been licking Donnie. It was a Dog.

Mikey squeals in joy at the sight as he runs up to go pet the dog. Raph helps a grumbling Donnie up off the ground while Leo and Mikey fawn over the pup. It was beagle who was currently furiously licking Leo. Raph seems just as infatuated with the dog, quickly cooing at the squirming dog after he makes sure Donnie was fine. Donnie wedges his way in between Mikey and Raph, Mikey scooting over to let his older brother admire the beagle as well. Except, the only thing Donnie did was grab at its collar, inspecting the tags attached to the dog.

"It's scratched off." He simply states, dropping the tags and backing up in disgust as the dog tries to lick him.

"What are you talking about Dee?" Leo asks, his attention now on Donnie. Mikey starts to pay more attention to his brother as well, wanting to know what he means, but not wanting to stop petting the beagle.

Donnie pulls hand sanitizer out of the compartment in his sash, dousing his hands while pointing towards the collar on the beagle's neck. "The tags on the collar. The address and phone number are scratched off."

Mikey reaches underneath the dog's neck, avoiding the attempted assault of licks and kisses the dog was currently trying to give him. When he finally manages to find the collar tags, he takes a closer look at them. Donnie was right, the address and numbers were scratched off. It looks like it had been rubbed against concrete while the dog was running, and Mikey mentally chided the sellers for selling such a crap tag. He flips over the tag, and sees that the name is still intact, while quite damaged as well. 'Hermes', it reads, and Mikey thinks it's a proper name for the happy go lucky dog.

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