Shattered Calls(Yandere Rise Leo x Reader)

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I sit against the door, one hand holding onto the sink for leverage and the other draped across my chest. I squeeze my shoulder in comfort as the door shakes again, Leo's loud voice bouncing around the small room. I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart in my stomach as my blood rushes past my ears. Everything was too loud, too bright. My hands were shaking, my mind racing. The door was still shaking, every pound of Leo's fist making it shudder and open at the corners. I couldn't hold it closed for long. He was going to get in. "We can talk it out! Just open the door!"

I ignore his shouts, my lip quivering as I lean my head against the door, my body shaking just as much as the cheap wood. I pull my arm off my chest, pushing against the sink with both now. My body was giving up, the adrenaline coursing through me making me more weak than the power boost it was supposed to have. I let out another small cry when Leo kicks the door, the entire thing shuddering as it threatens to split down the middle.

"Open the door! I'm not saying it again!" The doorknob rattles, the pounding on the door continuing. I feel another small thud near the bottom, my heart stuttering as I let out a small cry. He was kicking the door. I feel the door creak and hear small snaps from the middle. I press harder against the door, my feet sliding uselessly against the floor in an attempt to give myself more leverage.

The seemingly endless banging stops for a moment and I pick my head up, wondering if he had given up. I wait for a moment, my ears straining to hear his voice, his breaths, to hear his fist pound on the door once more. Instead, I hear the padding of feet walking farther away, my blood running cold. His feet stop for a moment. For two. Then, the rushing sound of someone running at full speed, my mind going blank as I scramble away from the door as fast as I could move.

I fall into the bathtub as the door splinters open, the small area where the lock jutted out was completely destroyed, wood splintered and jagged. Leo stands in the doorway, his normally calm face painted in anger and his jaw tense. I try desperately to sit up in the tub and run as Leo starts stalking forwards, his eyes trained on my person and swirling with a dangerous fury. My hand slips on the porcelain surface, sending me further into the concave of the tub. I let out a scream as Leo harshly grabs my wrist, yanking me up towards him. Leo picks up my flailing body, my hands hitting and scratching any skin I could reach. "Stop!"

Leo ignores my struggling and pleas, simply grabbing my wrists and squeezing hard as he holds me up with his other arm on his hip like a parent would their misbehaving toddler. I glare at him, trying to muster up as much anger to battle the fear that had settled in my chest like a deep poison. Leo glared harshly and the fear won. I shrink in his hold, letting him move me in his arms until he holds me close to his chest with one arm under the back of my knees and the other on my back.

Leo carries me to his room, the dark look in his eyes grows with each step as we grow closer to his door. I feel my throat swell as I blink back tears, my hands shaking. Leo holds me firmly to his chest while he nudges the door to his room open, his arms tensing around me. He kicks the door shut, crossing the length of his room and dropping me unceremoniously onto his bed. My breath leaves my lungs when I hit the mattress, quickly trying to move off the bed and make another run for the door. Leo glares at me and shoves me back down by my shoulders, moving so he was sitting on my waist and pinning me down by my shoulders.

I let out a sob at the anger rolling off him in waves, my hands encircling his wrists as I look into his eyes. I feel myself shake, unable to calm my breathing while he stares down at me as if I were nothing more than a mistake he made. His face comes close to mine, his voice coming out in a single deadly breath. "You should have opened the door."

My shoulder lets out a sickening pop and I scream.


Words: 784

Posted: 06.27.23

A/n: Idk man, I was bored and this popped into my head.

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