Sugar Cookies(Rise!Donnie x Reader)

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The lairs' kitchen smelled absolutely amazing, and that was probably attributed to the cookies you and Michelangelo have been working on for the past half hour. Mikey smiled at you as he pulled the last batch of cookies out of the oven, they all looked perfect(except for the one dinosaur one Raph tried to make, it kind of spread out too much, but it wasn't Christmas-y, so it doesn't count). You quickly mix the rest of the frosting with their respective colors so everyone could start decorating, and you pull out the rest of the sprinkle containers.

"You ready?" You look to Mikey who's putting the fresh cookies out on a wire rack to cool, and he nods back at you.

"Let's get this party started!"

As you put the frosting into piping bags, Mikey calls everyone over, handing them paper plates as they walk into the kitchen so they can all start decorating. You take your own plate and grab one of the sugar cookies that's shaped like a gingerbread man cutout. Donnie taps the table a couple of times to get your attention, and you both lock eyes. He grins and nods to the seat next to him. You roll your eyes at his nonverbal question, and make your way over to sit down next to him.

"Soo, what are you planning on doing?" You ask Donnie, looking down at the ornament shaped cookie he had on his plate. Donnie grins wide at your question and starts to ramble on about how he plans to perfectly decorate his cookie. You hum along as he talks, listening to his explanation as you collect the colors you want. Ready to start working on your own Christmas treat, you take a toothpick from the box in the center of the table and start spreading the green color all over the body of your gingerbread-shaped cookie.

Donnie glances over at your design choice and stops his monologue about his chosen colors to stare down at your cookie in disgust.

"Why, pray tell, are you using green to color your cookie?" His scowl makes you snort and you use the back of your hand to cover your mouth before you start laughing out loud.

"For your information, I have a plan. So boo hoo, I'm using green to color my tiny gingerbread man." You stick your tongue out at Donnie and continue to spread the green throughout the cookie, trying to keep it as even as possible.

"I, for one, think it looks great," Raph says, smiling over at you two, "and while it is a strange choice to color your Christmas cookie fully green, I do support you."

"Thank you Raph, glad to hear someone appreciates my creative abilities."

Donnie scoffs at you both before he gets distracted by Leo who, like you, is painting his entire cookie one color. Unlike you however, is the fact that his cookie is one, a snowflake, and two, bright pink. You have no idea where he got said color, as you have no recollection of making it when you and Mikey were working on the frosting.

The light conversation being made around you was comfortable background noise for you to work with, but now you purposefully hunched over your cookie a bit to try and hide it from your purple-cladded boyfriend. Mikey looks up at you when you reach across the table to grab the purple. Realizing what you're doing, a big grin comes across his face, and he slides the color over to you. Thanking him, you start on the mask and little accessories of your cookie Donnie.

Mikey kicks you from under the table and you look up at him.

"What?" You mouth to him, trying to draw as little attention to yourself from Donnie. Thankfully Leo was keeping him busy by trying to put some of the pink frosting on Donnie's cookie and Donnie was attempting to fend him off.

"Goggles?" Mikey mouths back. He understood your want to keep it on the downlow, and you appreciated his compliance.

You shake your head yes and subtly nod over to the jar of rainbow sprinkles. "Two whites together."

Mikey's grin widens at your idea and nods thoughtfully. Donnie and Leo had finally stopped their petty fight, so you went back to hiding your cookie from your boyfriend's view. You could tell he noticed with the way he stared at you, but you just grinned innocently at him.

"What are you doing?" Donnie asks, trying to glance over at your cookie. "What, were you so embarrassed about your green cookie that you have to hide it now?"

"Mhmm, yup. Absolutely devastated and completely humiliated that you saw my cookie, so now I must hide it from the world." You say, sarcasm dripping with every word. Donnie looks unimpressed with your words and rolls his eyes at you.

"Scoff, fine. If you don't want to show me your hideous cookie, then I shall leave it be. I wouldn't want to scar myself by looking at such a monstrosity anyways."

You use the sprinkles to make his face and goggles, adding the finishing touches and cleaning up any wayward frosting. Happy with the result, you start cleaning up your mess. Sliding your cookie back into Donnie's view, you wait for him to notice. Donnie must've sensed your staring, as he glances over at you before looking down at the cookie you made.

"Like my monstrosity?" You tease, throwing the words he used to describe you cookie back at him. You watch as Donnie gently takes the plate it's sitting on and rotates it so he can see the cookie better.

"It's me," He remarks, looking down at the decorated cookie with stars in his eyes. "You made your cookie look like me."

"Dibs on eating it." Leo says nonchalantly. You're not sure he's even seen it yet, as his face is still looking down at his cookie in concentration while he covers it in blue frosting to match the pink. Donnie picks up a tube of frosting and squeezes it onto Leo's head in retaliation, calmly wiping the frosting he got on his hands on a napkin before going back to admiring your cookie. You can't wait to do this again next year.


Posted: January 4th, 2023

Word count: 1047

Edited: ----

Sorry for the third Donnie in a row, this was an idea I saw on tumblr by jo1021 

I'll try to post something else next week, and I promise it won't be Donnie again.

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