The Man of My Fever Dreams(Rise!Leo x Reader)

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Leo's face was not what I was expecting to open my eyes to, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I attempt to push myself up, wanting to be face to face with him so he doesn't have to look down on me, but a wave of fatigue washes over me. I groan in frustration, looking up at the now laughing blue turtle as I fall back onto my back. His laughs devolve to small chuckles while he helps me adjust myself into a sitting position, Leo taking a seat next to my feet once he finishes.

"Aww, is someone still feeling a bit rough?" He teases, his eyes still full of mirth. Ah yes, make fun of me while in the splash range of a sick person. That's a great idea.

"I will vomit on you." My voice was raspy and it hurt to talk, but I felt this was an important enough message to risk my vocal cords for. Leo laughs at me again but shifts so he's a bit farther away from my face.

"Are you hungry? Mikey made some soup that he had me bring over. I could go heat it up for you if you'd like." I nodded, forever thankful for the turtle in front of me. I watched Leo walk out of my room, heading to the kitchen so he could heat up the soup.

Another cough racked my body and I reflexively brought my elbow up to cover my face. Having Leo take care of me was nice, but weird. Sure, I got to spend some time with my boyfriend, but getting a high fever and being vulnerable in front of him in exchange is not a fair trade off. Plus, I was really gross right now. Having him see me like this sucked.

I scrolled through the games on my phone, trying to find something I could pay attention to. The pounding headache and blurry vision was making it difficult, but I'd rather be in pain while entertained than in pain while bored. I could hear Leo moving around in the kitchen, little clinks and taps protruding through the thin walls of my apartment. I shake my head with a small smile. He was determined to say the least.

I continue goofing off on my phone for the ten minutes it takes for Leo to return, my brain buzzing loudly when I look over at him. He was standing tall in the doorway, balancing a steaming bowl of soup in his hand as he carefully walked forwards. "I uh... I may have overfilled the bowl."

I snort at his words, moving so my back was flush with my pillow and headboard. Leo carefully sets the bowl of soup down on my bedside table, sighing in relief when nothing spills. He looks at me with a dopey smile, his eyes sparkling softly. He takes my phone from my hands as he sits down next to me and I let out a small dramatic gasp. "You know you're not supposed to be on this while you're sick, love."

I roll my eyes, flopping my hand over my head in a theatrical manner, over exaggerating my movements. "I was only chasing away the boredom. Can you blame me?"

Leo chuckles softly at my dramatics, shaking his head gently. I lower my arm and open my mouth to say more, but my body quickly racks out a cough, my throat constricting as my lungs cry out. Leo pats my back comfortingly, a small frown on his face. I raise my tired eyes to meet his worried ones, a weak smile on my face.

"Are you sure you're okay enough to be awake? You can just go back to sleep if you need to." Leo's gentle voice reaches my ears and I lean against his side. The slider wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close, kissing my temple softly. I let out a yawn, but look longingly at the soup on my bedside table, wanting nothing more than to shove the entire bowl in my mouth.

"Can I eat first?" My voice is still raspy, weak. Leo looks down at me and brushes hair out of my face, nodding. He reaches over and sets the bowl in his lap, crossing his legs and shifting so he is facing me. I look at him oddly for a moment before reaching for the bowl, wanting to feel the warmth of the soup leak into my clammy hands.

Leo bats my hands away and pulls the soup closer to him protectively. He playfully glares at me and I pout, my hands dropping back into my lap. "I want my soup, Leo."

"You'll get your soup if you hold still. I'm going to feed it to you."

I feel my face heat slightly as I look at his smug face unimpressed. "You're going to spill it.

Leo scoffs and picks up the spoon, swirling it in the broth for a moment before scooping up some of the warm liquid. He holds it up with a crooked grin, clearly waiting for me to play along. I roll my eyes, sighing before opening my mouth. Leo whistles softly while he moves the spoon to my mouth, depositing the broth onto my tongue. I hum in delight when the taste registers, a smile on my lips despite the pounding headache and the aching in my chest. I try not to cough on Leo as I swallow, Leo's hand gently patting my back once more. The soup was warm, almost uncomfortably so. I look at Leo with a weak grin, not sure how to tell him I was done.

Leo nods, instantly understanding what I was trying to convey. He places the bowl back on the table and squeezes my hand. "We'll try again later. How about you get some sleep."

I nod, a raspy sigh escaping my lungs. Leo eases me back down, tucking me in. He still sits on the edge of my bed, gently massaging my shoulder as he waits for me to sleep off my cold. 


Words: 1018

Posted: 06.27.23

A/n: Promise I'll get back to finishing requests soon. I just really wanted to finish it after starting it almost 3 months ago. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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