Dealer's Gamble(Yandere ROTTMNT Headcanons)

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CW: Lying, breaking a deal/promise, isolation mention, kidnapped reader, dark themes, yandere themes, mentions of violence


-He doesn't like the idea of it. He'll ignore your requests at first, especially if you're not asking him straight up. If you keep pushing it, he'll finally sit down with you and let you talk. He doesn't like it at all, mostly because the entire point is to gain your freedom. Mikey was certain he'd made it clear you'd never leave him.

-He might concede after a while. After all, you're both just playing a game, and you must know he's not actually letting you go, right? You're happy with him, this has to just be some emotional thing you're going through, and you want to win a game. He doesn't mind indulging you in that, especially since there's no harm in it. It's just a game.

-He doesn't take the game very seriously when you first start playing. He's just happy to play the game with you and try to bond. He doesn't even make his own condition if he wins because it's not like he's letting you go anyways. It's no more of a bet than calling someone a rotten egg after a race.

-If you're losing/lost:

-He ignores the devastation on your face, smiling widely at you as he shifts closer to you. He was ecstatic you were spending time with him, and you seemed so happy and serious while playing the game. It's clear you enjoyed it, and you weren't even fighting him while playing!

-He tries to make a night out of it, quickly ordering pizza and bringing in drinks and candy as he starts to set up different games. He'll make you happy, he swears. Just stop pouting and come play.

-Mikey relies on your love, so he'll keep playing with you until you seem to be opening up again. He'll pull you close and kiss you after every game, trying to wear you down. If you're trying to avoid him, or want to quit after a while, Mikey will ignore your protests and hold you close. He's a bit upset seeing you genuinely sad that you lost. He makes a note to cook your favorite tomorrow, just to show you being with him wasn't all that bad. I mean, if you really wanted to leave, you would have tried to run. Clearly he's doing something right.

-If you're winning/won:

-He just leans over and gives you a kiss for doing such a good job before asking if you wanted to play again. He likes seeing you so excited over winning, ignoring the fact you were happy because you thought you'd get to leave.

-Gets upset when you demand he let you go, his frustration growing as you get more insistent that you deserve to leave. Mikey finally puts his foot down, harshly telling you you're never leaving him. He's not losing you, ever.

-If you keep trying to fight him on it, he'll just pull out your old chains and start treating you like when you first got there. No more privileges, no more opinions, no more leaving his side. You're stuck in his room until you decide to drop your silly thought of getting away.

-You really needed to learn you weren't ever leaving him, and he'll teach you by any means necessary.


-When you first bring it up, he'd laugh. Why would you be serious about such a thing? Not only are you saying you want to leave him, but you also think you'd beat him at a video game. It's absurd.

-When he realizes you're serious, he'll consider it for a moment before agreeing. He's a bit peeved you really want to try and 'win' your freedom, but he's willing to stay calm and see how this goes. Especially since he could get something from you if you lose. He makes you swear that if you lose, you'll start showing him more affection as a payoff.

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