A Shoulder To Cry On(Rise!Mikey x Reader)

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Mikey smiles softly at his partner, his orange sweater brushes together every time he moves. They glance up at Mikey, uncertainty shining in their eyes. After seeing how stressed and tired they had been as of late, Mikey had scheduled them an appointment with Dr. Feelings. He was worried about his lover, having noticed the signs of immense strain on their mental health. Mikey wanted to help.

"Hello and welcome to my seminar! I'm Dr. Feelings." Mikey grins as they chuckle at his words. His heart swells with pride at the fact he made them smile. Their happiness was everything he lived for. "I've noticed you've been repressing a lot of your emotions. You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Their face is a puddle of guilt, their eyes avoiding Mikey's as they stare at the floor. Mikey taps his knee with his pointer stick, stuck in thought. He wanted to help them, but if they wouldn't tell him anything...

The box turtle sets his pointer down, his arms folding behind his back. He rocks between his heel and the balls of his feet, trying to think of how to get them to talk. "Nothing you say will be judged. I've noticed how tired you've been. Want to talk about that?"

It seemed an easier subject to deal with.

The human opens their mouth, then sinks back into the chair, looking conflicted.

Or... Maybe not.

Mikey chews on his cheek, eyes narrowing at their curled figure. They had obvious eyebags, their face seeming to have lost some color. It wasn't fair. "Is there a reason you're not getting enough rest?"

Mikey's voice takes on a more delicate tone, his dark eyes plagued with worry. Mikey's partner hesitates, then nods. Mikey feels hope settle in his chest. He was getting somewhere. Mikey clears his throat, trying to maintain an air of fake professionalism. He was supposed to be a doctor after all. "Can you tell me the reason?"

"Been having nightmares." They mumble. Mikey's heart pangs at this, a small pout on his lips. That wasn't good at all. Mikey drums his fingers on his covered thigh.

"What are they about?"

The human lets out a long sigh, sinking further into the chair. Their arms cross over their chest, eyebrows furrowed as they think. "Everything I suppose. It changes a lot. It just... I hate it."

"Has it been happening a lot?" Mikey asks softly, sympathy in his voice. The human nods.

"Every couple of nights probably."

Mikey sighs in sympathy, wanting nothing more than to hug them tightly and never let go. Seeing them like this hurt him. He couldn't stand them being upset. "Do you know what caused it?"

"Uh, stress probably? I uh, I lost my job and uh, everything's kinda going downhill." Mikey's eyes soften when their voice starts to break. Them losing their job was most likely the root of the problem. He couldn't believe they didn't tell him, didn't let him help shoulder the burden. He understood to an extent, but he still worried for them. It was taking such an obvious toll on their mental wellbeing.

A small cry brings Mikey out of his thoughts, his loves hunched form desperately wiping tears away. Mikey panics for a moment. He knew it was bad, but he wasn't expecting this.

Mikey sighs and takes the glasses off, setting them down on the arms of the chair. He walks closer to his crying lover, cupping their cheeks. His thumbs gently brush away the tears, Mikey cooing sweet nothings to them. He hated seeing them cry, seeing them so upset. Their tears slow, a small choked sob leaving them. Mikey kisses their forehead softly, letting them cry it out. He was honored they were willing to show him these emotions, to trust him enough to be vulnerable in his presence. He wasn't going to chide them for this, not when they were doing everything right.

"You're just trying your best. Sometimes things don't work out. It happens. You just have to push through it." Mikey's words are soft. He didn't want to overwhelm them and make it worse. He continues to caress their face, kneeling in front of them. He wipes away another tear, murmuring softly as he does so. "There's a whole world out there. You just need to find your place in it."

They both stay in that position for a while, Mikey tenderly holding his love as they cry. He stays quiet for the most part, only adding in sweet words when necessary. He frowns when the sobs get more choked, as if they were trying to hold them back. A hand moves to their chin, tilting their face towards him.

"Hey, it's okay to cry." He says gently, trying his best to be comforting. It took everything in him not to pull them into a tight hug and never let go. Seeing them this upset broke him. He just wanted to help. "Everything's going to be okay. I love you."

Another sob bubbles from their chest and Mikey sighs, a sad smile on his face. He could wait for them. He would wait forever if he had to.


Words: 865

Posted: 07.16.23

Prompt(s) requested: 16(Nightmares) & 3("There's a whole world out there. You just need to find your place in it.")

Request: Action 16/Verbal 3 with whichever version of Mikey that you feel most comfortable writing about.

A/N: Well, idk. I'm tired. Mikey's ooc, sorry. I just. IDK. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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