Happy Anniversary(Yan!Rise! Leo x Reader)

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Content Warnings: kidnapping mention, knives, forced isolation, hair pulling, dark themes

"What are you cooking?"

My soul jumps out of my body at the words, my hand shaking. I glance back, looking at Leo. I shoot him a strained smile, trying to hide my nervousness. "O-Oh, just uh, just some eggs and bacon. I just thought I would..."

My voice wavers before trailing off as Leo wraps his arms around my waist, my skin burning at his touch. He leans against me with his chin on my shoulder, watching me cook. I swallow my bile. My muscles tense and my breath goes still, trying my best to keep the urge to shake him off down. I keep my eyes trained on the pan of eggs, my hands trembling as I continue to fold them to let them cook evenly.

Leo hums softly, his chest vibrating against my back and his breathing ticking my neck. The frying bacon pops and hisses on the griddle, the oils shooting out onto my hands and leaving small burns. I don't move my hands away, trying to keep my pounding heart steady. I know he could feel it. I know he could tell how afraid I was.

"Today's our anniversary." He says softly, still leaning his weight onto me. I inwardly gag as he nuzzles his face into my neck, repressing my instincts to run. My blood runs cold at his words, my mind blanking for a moment. I knew what he meant. As of today, It had been a full year since I had been kidnapped. To him, it marked the day we started 'dating'. To me, it marked the day I lost my freedom.

I had to keep calm, to feign happiness. Anything else would make him mad. Today was the worst day I could make him mad. I continue making the eggs, my mind on fire. His leaned weight on me felt too heavy, suffocating. His arms were too tight, his face this close felt dangerous.

"You're burning the eggs, love."

My brain halts in confusion before a smoky smell reaches my nose as I look down. I quickly turn off the heat and move the pan away from the hot stove, desperately folding the eggs over in the pan to try and mitigate the damage. I shudder as Leo kisses my temple, chuckling. His voice was too smooth, too placate. He was planning something, he had to be.

I suck in a breath as he slides off me, his hand lingering on my lower back for a moment before his touch fully leaves. "I'll get the plates."

I leave the pan with the slightly burnt eggs to the side, trying my best to focus my attention on the bacon. I let myself take a few deep breaths, my heart rate slowing to a more normal pace. It had been a year since Leo had taken me, a year since I had even gone outside. I wanted to go home.

My eyes drift to the knife block. It sat by the stove, unassuming. Each knife was sharp and sturdy, each built for a specific purpose in the kitchen. Was I desperate enough to use it for my own? I turn the heat of the griddle down, letting the bacon cool slightly. I didn't have to actually hurt him, I just... I just needed him to believe I would. I slip the cooked bacon into the cooled pan with the eggs, contemplating what I was about to do. I square my shoulders slightly.

I couldn't take this anymore. I wouldn't take this anymore. I glance at the knives again, my face hardening. If needed, I would hurt him. It would make up for all the times he hurt me.

I shift on my feet, glancing back at Leo. His back was to me as he gathered various dishware while he hummed a familiar tune under his breath. He wasn't paying attention to me. Now was my probably only chance. I shift closer to the knife block, my fingers wrapping around the handle of one of the steak knives before pulling it smoothly from its wooden sheath. I slip the knife in front of me, holding it to my thigh. I glance back at Leo. He was still setting the table, oblivious. Hope fills my chest and I celebrate my small victory in my head. My eyes look over the stove, pretending I was still messing with the food. I was going to get out.

My heart drops mid celebration when I feel Leo press against me once more, his lips pressing to my neck. I hold my breath, my adrenaline picking up again. I squeeze the handle of the knife, glancing over my shoulder to meet his gaze.

"I saw that∼" Leo coos, wrapping his arms around my waist once more. Bile crawls up my throat at his words, my muscles tensing. How did he know? He wasn't paying attention, I could've sworn he... Leo's hand squeezes just above my hip while his other hand trails down my arm. "How about you be a good little human and drop. The. Knife. We both know you don't know how to use it."

Leo's hand wraps around my wrist holding the knife while still keeping me snug against his body with the other. Jutting his thumb into a point on my wrist, my hand goes slack. I try to keep my body still, but my mind is racing and my limbs are shaking. The knife falls to the ground with a loud clatter. I swallow back tears, both from frustration and fear. How does he see everything I do? I was a fool for thinking I could ever get something past him.

Leo grabs the handle of the knife with his foot before transferring it to his hand, leaning on me the whole time. The way his hand sat on my side, the way it would squeeze me every time I moved. I knew it was a threat. I take in another deep breath, trying to calm down. I messed up.

Leo lazily tosses the knife into the sink, wrapping his other arm just above my stomach. My lip and chin tremble as he presses his scaly cheek to mine, his eyes glancing at me. He sports a lazy grin despite the clear displeasure shining in his eyes. He presses a soft kiss to my temple before straightening slightly. His voice is cold, poison dripping from his tongue. "You just had to go and be stupid. And especially today? It's our anniversary!"

Leo shakes his head, tsking quietly. I flinch as he spins me around, pinning me to the counter. His grin was gone, replaced with the glare of a devil. I shrink back, panicking.

"I- I wasn't going to... I was uh, it wasn't-" My frantic begging falls on deaf ears as Leo's lip pulls up in a snarl, his knuckles flushing a light shade of green from his harsh grip on the countertop.

"Shut up."

I close my eyes, my hands desperately clinging to the counter to keep me from falling as my knees buckle. I yelp in pain when I feel his hand tangle into my hair, pulling me harshly away. I reach up my hands to claw at his wrist, tears pricking at my eyes from the sharp sudden pains. I stumble behind him as he roughly yanks me towards our shared room, whimpers and pleas falling from my mouth like rain from the sky. It was no use. I messed up.

"I thought you were over all this." He hisses, using his leverage from my hair to toss me to the floor. I scramble backwards as he stalks towards me, fury sparking in his eyes. I hold back a scream as he towers over me. My back hits the wall and I look up, my eyes wide with terror. "But I guess you want to spend today alone, huh? Fine. I can do that."

Leo's markings glow bright in the dark room and the flickering blue of Leo's portals forms beneath me. I fall in with a scream and my world turns a sickening shade of blue.


Words: 1356

Posted: 07.18.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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