The Things I Do To Keep You Safe(Rise!Raph x Platonic!Yandere!Reader)

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Tw: death, description of blood and washing of blood, dead bodies, gun, fighting, obsessive behavior, yandere themes, Appalachian mountains, kill list, my writing

I sigh, the cool water of the stream running over my bloody hands soothed my beaten knuckles and washed the blood from my palms. I rolled my shoulders, fighting the kink in my neck while the stream stained pink before the water dispersed the blood and ran clear once more. I cup the water in my hands, rubbing it up my arm and neck. I needed a proper shower, but this would work until I could get back home. I couldn't exactly drive while my hands were bloody, I didn't want to ruin the interior of my car. Plus, I would need to clean out my car to get rid of the stains it would leave, and that's just annoying. I shift my legs, standing up as I flick off as much water as I can from my arms and hands. Carefully stepping over the hippo's body, I wipe my wet hands on my pants. I grabbed my bag from where it sat next to a tree, shoving the small handgun I had discarded next to the bag into it.

I pick up the bag and sling it over my shoulder, navigating through the thick of the woods to return to the trail. I couldn't believe I actually convinced the magician to follow me all the way out to the Appalachian trail, but I guessed right. That worm was the perfect bait. I start the hike back down the trail, checking the time on my phone as I sip at my water bottle. It was a really nice day, slightly cloudy and a nice breeze blowing every once in a while. I pull up the list on my phone, crossing off two more names. I continue down to the trail, using the compass to help find my way back to the main trail.

It takes about ten minutes to get back to the trail, and once it's visible, I start the half hour trek back to the parking lot, keeping off the trail and in the treeline so other visitors wouldn't be able to see me well. I knew the blood on my shirt and pants was still visible, and having the cops called on me would be less than ideal. So treeline hiking it is. I shift my bag on my shoulders, trying to ignore the ache of my shoulders. That stupid hippo got me good when he threw one of his dumb rings at me, and I couldn't help but wince every time my shirt rubbed against the wound.

The sun was starting to set, a warm pink glow mixing into the sky and more shadows settled in the tree line. The extra cover was nice, but I hated the thought of being out on the trail when it was dark. I eventually see the parking lot in the distance, and I slide down the steep incline and run to my car, trying to keep out of sight. I unlock the car, wincing at the small beep it makes. I slide into the driver seat with a hiss, setting my bag in the passenger seat. My fingers dance across the steering wheel, my mind still reeling. I knew it was necessary, but my guilt finally started to hit me. I shake my head, chasing away the thoughts. It was necessary, I needed to keep Raph safe. He and his brothers were in danger, and they refused to stop their stupid crime fighting.

If Raph wanted to be a hero, that was fine. He was a great kid, an amazing one even, but that was the problem. He was only a kid, barely older than 15. I start the engine, my face hardening as I back out and make my way out of the parking lot. My phone dings, a text from Raph coming in. I couldn't look at the text while on the road, but I already knew what it contained. He and his brothers went on a patrol before I left. If he's only sending me his completion text now, almost 2 and a half hours after they left, something must have gone wrong. Raph and his brother got into another fight, and more scars must've been added to Raph's growing collection.

My grip on the steering wheel tightens, my mouth pressed into a thin line. I mentally went over my list, thinking about which of Raph's collective enemies to go after next. If Raph wanted to play hero, I would let him. But I drew the line when he got hurt. I needed to keep Raph safe, no matter what. He was only a teenager, barely allowed to be on his own. I turn on the radio, a small ad for a certain mantis' junkyard sounding through the speakers.

I turn off the highway, heading down a different stretch. It was fine. I could make another stop before going home. I had a goal to complete after all.


Words: 824

Posted: 05.19.23

Request: So um, sorry if I don't explain this request very well, I've never really used these ask boxes for anything other than silly jokes with my friends... 😅My request is a platonic ROTTMNT Raph x Yandere adult y/n... He is like a precious bean that y/n must protect at all costs! And they will kill to protect him if it comes down to it. :3 I would like this written in a sorta short-story fanfic format if possible, though the length doesn't have to be short story if you are unable to do that. Emphasis on this being platonic, I'm asexual and 18 so this has to be legal please. 💀

A/N, not important: Sorry this took so long. Just a warning to anyone reading this, I don't like Yan Y/n. However, I like you, so I tried my best. I hope I did this justice, but it kind of sucks. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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