Welcome Home(Rise! Donnie x Reader)

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The lair is silent when you finally arrive, your travel bag slung over your shoulder as you quietly make your way through the area. Splinter was passed out on his chair, his loud snores masking any noise your footsteps made. Seeing the lights in Donnie's lab off made you feel better, knowing he wasn't staying up too late working on whatever his brain came up with next. His brothers had constantly reported his bad sleep schedule to you while you were away, causing you to worry more than usual.

You carefully make your way into your boyfriend's room, his quiet snores making you smile as he lies in bed. His blankets were mostly on the floor, only one small corner fighting for its life to stay atop his stomach. You carefully pick the blanket up and cover his sleeping form before shoving your bag in a corner. As much as you wanted to climb in with him right now, you knew you should get changed first.

You dig through your bag and find your pajamas, moving into the bathroom to get dressed. You fumble slightly, trying your best not to trip over your own feet in the dark of his room.

Once changed, you carefully slide in next to him, just watching him breathe for a moment and taking him in. He was gorgeous, his face peaceful and happy. You couldn't help but fall deeper in love as you laid there, especially after being gone for a week. Seeing him again was the highlight of your day, wanting nothing more than to inch your way into his arms and stay there forever. You gently wrap your arms around him, melting into his side and letting your forehead rest against his shoulder. It was nice, being so close to the one you loved. Your heart was on fire and you never felt happier.

You shift his arm slightly so you could move closer into his side, panic and regret immediately flooding you as he starts to squirm in his sleep. Caught like a deer in headlights, his eyes meet yours, the sleep and dark taking him a moment to focus.

"(Y/n)?" He mumbles, pulling you closer to his chest. He nuzzles his snout against your cheek, smiling softly as you wrap your arms around his middle. "When'd you get back?"

"Just a few minutes ago." You whisper, settling against him and letting your eyes close. He was warm, and safe. His arms were keeping you pressed against him, barely giving you any leeway to move. It was just how you both liked it, wrapped together and unable to fall apart in your sleep. "I didn't mean to wake you."

He grunts softly, pressing his face into my neck and breathing deeply. "You should've. I missed you. I missed this."

You smile at his admission, kissing the crown of his head while slowly beginning to rub the back of his neck. Neither of you had been apart this long in a while, so you knew he'd be a bit clingy for a while. Not like you were complaining, having him close was wonderful. Leaving his side, if only for a small amount of time, was never fun. He was your rock, your safety net. Life was too bleak without his snarky comments and fun facts to chase away the dullness.

"I'm glad you were sleeping," You say softly, his slight chuckle vibrating against the skin of your neck. He squeezes you gently, shifting one of his legs in between yours to knot you both together.

"Mikey and Leo hid my matcha. I couldn't stay up after the initial caffeine crash," He admits. The statement made you sigh. You could feel the fast beat of his heart from how close you both were, and while you knew part of it was because he was just happy being near you, you couldn't help but worry his constant need to work late was putting more stress on him than needed.

"Could I convince you to stay in bed all day tomorrow?" You ask, hoping he would at least get some sleep that way. Donnie hesitates, thinking it over. You can feel his arms shift so he could press his face into you more, a disappointed noise coming from the stubborn man. He hated 'wasting' days, but even he knew how bad his habits were getting.

"Only if you stay with me."


The compromise was one you barely had to think over, not knowing anything better than getting to spend the entire day cuddled up next to the man you loved more than anything. Donnie grins against your skin, blowing soft air onto your neck to tickle you. You let your eyes close and your body sink down, his heart slowly syncing with yours. It was time for you both to get some rest.


Words: 810

Posted: 02.09.24

A/N, not important: The ending made me want to die but that's okay. Sorry these are all so short, I'm doing these in between a lot of personal stuff I have to get done. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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