Bandages(Rise!Raph x Reader)

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I swing a cabinet open, grumbling to myself as I scan the contents for the first aid bag. His injuries weren't serious enough for me to demand Leo's help or try and get him to a hospital in the Hidden City, but they were still nasty. I hoist the bag out of the cabinet, dragging the large canvas sack I used to store my medical supplies in into the living room Raph was currently occupying. I set the bag on the floor next to the couch, my ankle hooking a stool and sliding it over. I sit down to look at Raph's arms.

Both were covered in scratches, big and small. Both old and new scars lined his scaly skin, covering his green skin in the lines of bravery and stupidity, mapping out his adventures onto his skin. I gently turn his wrist, eyeing the large gash that stretches from his wrist to just above his elbow. Raph sucks in a quick breath at the sight of it, his eyes scanning the injury alongside my own.

"Baby... What did you get into?" I mumble softly, undoing the wraps on his arms. Raph doesn't answer, his hunched form tensing when the dried blood glues his wrappings to his skin. I wince, stopping where I was. "I'm going to go grab a rag and some warm water so I can try and make this a bit easier on you, okay big guy?"

I watch Raph try to stand, my eyes narrowing at him. His dark eyes soften when they fall on me, his less damaged arm motioning for me to move out of his way. "Raph can get it. You're already doing too much."

I sigh. He really wasn't huge on getting help, was he. I step over the canvas bag, placing my hand on his plastron. I push him back down, his bruised body sinking back into the couch. "You just sit down. Let me take care of you."

Raph grumbles as I move into the kitchen, grabbing a tea towel from the drawer and filing a mixing bowl with warm water. I balance the water filled bowl with my hands, grabbing another towel and throwing it over my shoulder. Raph meets my eye when I walk back in. I smile brightly, setting the water bowl down. I dip one of the towels in the warm water, wringing it out slightly before wrapping it around Raph's arm. He hisses at the warm water hitting his wound, mumbled apologies tumbling from my lips.

We sit in a comfortable silence while I let the towel sit on his arm, hoping to loosen the wrappings. I glance at him, my eyes raking over his body with a surgeon's clarity. He was bruised and scratched all over, his skin littered with small cuts. I distantly wondered how the rest of his brothers looked. I turn back to the towel around his arm, gently peeling it off. If Raph was here, that meant his brothers were either fine, or being taken care of. He wouldn't leave their sides otherwise.

The damp bandages come off more smoothly now, my fingers gently coaxing them off his skin as if they had been buttered. Raph hisses lowly when the bandage pulls at his wound, the sound piercing the air. I drift my hands down to hold his larger one, gently rubbing at his knuckles. I would not rush the process. Raph's comfort was my top priority; nothing else in this moment mattered.

The rest of the wrappings soon fall, making a small pile on the floor. My thumb rubs the edge of his wound as I chew on my cheek. It looked like it needed stitches, and I doubted I could do them myself. I sigh, pulling out a box of butterfly bandages from my canvas bag. Raph watches me, his eyes flickering between my hands and the alternate for stitching.

"Those won't hold."

My eyes shift to meet his, the bandages in my hand. "The wound needs stitches. This is just temporary until you get home and Leo can take over."

Raph purses his lips, but nods, allowing me to continue. I set the bandages to the side, using the damp warm rag from before to clean around his wound. I pick up a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide, sympathy pulling my face tight. "This'll sting..."

Raph nods at my warning and slowly breathes as I spray the wound, watching the white foam fizzle around the edges. I set the bottle back on the ground, patting my thighs as I wait for the foam to die down. Raph sucks in his cheek as he eyes the cut, ignoring the pain. I carefully pat the wound and the area around it dry, keeping an eye on the angry skin.

I take the paper off the back of the butterfly stitched, pinching the wound closed with my thumbs before carefully applying the bandage. I continue to do this with the rest of the wound, being as gentle as I can. Raph doesn't utter a word during the process, his face turned away from the wound. I sit back while looking at the wound. It was closed, but not well. It definitely needed proper stitching. Oh well. I couldn't do anything about it but text Leo.

I pick up a bandage roll and start wrapping his arm, keeping the roll taut. Raph grins when I finish, taking his arm and looking at the wrapping. He nods in approval, and I sigh in relief. I wasn't the best at wrapping wounds.

My eyes go wide when I feel arms around me, Raph's head burying itself into the junction of my neck and shoulder. I smile, patting his shoulder.

"Thanks for the help." His voice is muffled by my skin, his arms loose around me. "Raph appreciates it a lot."

I puff out my cheeks, feeling a bit embarrassed. "It was no problem, love. Just... Make sure you get Leo to stitch it, okay?"

Raph nods still holding onto me, and I finally melt into him. The wound was fine for now, no need to be pushy. Might as well be together for a while. I press a gentle kiss to Raph's temple, smiling softly. It was said affection can help speed up the healing process after all.


Words: 1055

Posted: 07.14.23

Prompt(s) Requested: 10A(Wrapping a wound) & 14V("Go back and sit down. Let me take care of you.")

Request: For the follower special may I prompt: action 10 and verbal 14 with Rise!Raph? Some mission gone wrong where he took most of the damage and he's too stubborn to accept help but mc is having none of that; no pressure!! 

A/n: Sorry this took so long, I'm getting into a bit of a creative rut. Hopefully I'll get more up soon, but idk. I'm really sorry. I'm also trying to change up my writing style a bit, so sorry if the pacing or the wording's goofy. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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