Platonic Yandere Draxum Headcanons

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CW: kidnapping, infantilization, isolation, dark themes, yandere themes(I think that's all?)

Pre-redemption arc:

-Keeps telling himself he's going to mutate you. He hates humanity, but here you are, someone he surprisingly tolerates. He wants to mutate you, to use you as a test subject, but he can't make himself actually do it. He doesn't know what's holding him back, but he knows he doesn't want anything to go wrong when it comes to you.

-He'll probably keep you in his lair until he's decided what to do with you, not willing to let you go and have you possibly alert the human world to his plans. Especially since he usually ends up monologuing to you a lot.

-Is protective with you and will treat you like a servant or a minor assistant. He likes to explain what he's doing science/mystic wise, even if you don't understand. While he's not the most patient, he'll not fault you for not knowing what he's talking about. You're just a human after all.

-After his lab explodes and he has to go to the surface, he's even more determined to not let you leave his sight. He doesn't want you talking to the foot, or other mutants in case they hurt you, so he just keeps you near him. Especially since you're now somewhere you're more familiar with, and have a higher chance at succeeding at escaping him.

Post redemption arc:

-Still protective of you, gets grumpy when you complain about being stuck in the apartment. He doesn't want you to leave, especially since the foot and Big Mama know what you look like because of all his dealings. He's paranoid that one of them may grab you to use you against him.

-Still doesn't let you return home, even with you now living on the surface with him. He thinks your old family and friends don't matter, especially since you have him to hang out with. Now that he has his job as well, he has a proper way to provide food and such for you. He sees no reason for you to leave, even more so since he doubts you'd come back.

-Treats you like a small child no matter your age. Yokai live for hundreds if not thousands of years, and Draxum is definitely aware of this. You know nothing compared to him, and your life experience is negligible. You're young and fragile and need him to help you through life. He can teach you everything you could possibly want to know.

-Thinks you're weak because you're human. In a sense, he's right of course, but he takes it to the extreme. He'll act like your glass or refuse to let you do things you want because he thinks you'll end up hurt. Unless he needs you to help him with something, he or Huginn and Muninn do everything for you.


Words: 470

Posted: 04.05.24

Request: Hi Nin!! Can i request the platonic yan Draxum with a human reader? Ty!!!

A/N, not important: I hope it's okay I did headcanons👍. I think I'm finally off my hiatus, so hi guys. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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