ROTTMNT w/ reader who has sensory issues

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The moment Mikey learns you're sensitive to certain things, he immediately memorizes them and takes precautions. Especially when it comes to food.

-He would feel absolutely awful if something he made caused you discomfort.

-Mikey tends to keep sensory toys around or on him, both for himself and you. He likes to mess around with them as well, and finds them entertaining.

-He's very attentive when you're obviously distressed or upset. He'll quickly lead you to a quiet room to help you destress.

-He tries to keep it as quiet as possible and wants a calm environment. He'll usually end up putting on a movie or have you sit with him while he paints so you both can just sit. He would never want you to be too overloaded around him.


Donnie can empathize with you quite well on this matter. He'll often offer up his lab as a place for you to chill in if something set you off. He's happy to talk over his recent experiments and inventions with you to help get it off your mind.

-He also doesn't mind you staying in his room if needed. He just wants you to be happy and safe. He might get pouty if you might not be in the mood to hang out, but he'll wait forever for you if needed.

-Makes you custom fidget and sensory toys to suit your specific needs. It's a long process, and he's happy to be making something for you. He feels more accomplished when he can help you in some way.

-Donnie notices decently quickly. He might need a quick tap if he's in a rant though, but he'll instantly stop to help accommodate you.


Will notice something's wrong, but won't know what exactly unless you tell him.

-As soon as he realizes, he's very quick to help you out. Whether that's by taking you somewhere quiet, finding you different food, or getting out something to fidget with, he's sure to be there for you.

-Raph doesn't like you being upset. You're his s/o, and it makes him sad to see you stressed out.

-Raph wants to help in the best way he can. Since he mostly can't just smash through this problem, he's happy to listen and learn what you need. Even if it's just to sit together quietly.

-Raph will usually try to get the others to leave you alone as well. He doesn't want you to get too overwhelmed, especially in the loud lair.

-He writes down your sensory triggers on his phone so he can remember how to help you. He's very purposeful in making sure you're safe and secure.


-The moment you feel off, Leo notices. You have to explain to him why at first, but he understands immediately.

-He'll slowly make a mental list of everything that overloads you. He strategically keeps it all away to the best of his ability, sometimes without you even noticing.

-If you're feeling overwhelmed and can't deal with people, Leo helps make up excuses for you. He's very firm about letting you get your space when it's needed.

-Leo loves to act like your own personal knight in these moments, helping you get to a calmer area.

-He makes sure you know his room is always open for you to chill in, even if you want to be alone. He doesn't want you to feel stuck in the lair with nowhere to go.


Words: 578

posted: 09.01.23

Request: Have a question if you'renot too busy , would you be willing to do one of these but when you have sensory issues? Like touch, taste and sound?

A/n:  I'm so sorry, this ended up being more sensory overload than what you asked for. I'm not very good at this. I'm so sorry. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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