Forever(2012 Mikey x Reader)

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You shiver from the rush of wind that hits your face the moment you open the door to the rooftop, your makeshift picnic basket in hand. The roof was already decorated for your date, a corner of the concrete roof covered in an old blanket and surrounded by dull, half working Christmas lights you snagged from a thrift store just a few months before. Mikey wasn't here yet, but that was to be expected. He was never someone who showed up exactly on time, and while never late, you weren't sure he had ever been even a few seconds early to plans without his brothers dragging him there.

You start to set up the food and drinks you had brought, the large pizza you ordered going directly in the middle of the blanket. You sit down next to it, cracking open one of the soda's you brought as you wait for your boyfriend to arrive. You watch the night sky with interest, the light pollution from the street lights and billboards causing the night to be void of stars, but you appreciated the inky-darkness nonetheless.

You barely take more than one sip before two hands grab at your shoulders, the sudden touch making your heart fall to your stomach and your fist to fly out. Your eyes meet Mikey's as soon as you are calm enough to think, his cheeky smile and making you wish you landed that punch.

"I missed you." He says brightly as he sits down, greedily eyeing the pizza and snacks you had placed out. You grin good-naturedly, waving your arm over the spread and letting him take his pick of the food. He happily opened the pizza box and started to dig in, both of you slowly migrating to the edge of the roof and dangling your feet off the side. It was nice, just being able to sit there and talk.

"Would you ever want to get married?"

Mikey's casual tone paired with the weighted question makes you sputter, your drink dribbling out of your mouth as you cough. Mikey squeaks, his eyes wrinkled in worry. His muttered apologies seem to be the tempo for the harsh pats on your back, your wracking coughs startling you both. You wipe the water from your eyes that the coughs forced out, your voice a bit hoarse from the sudden wheezing. "We're seventeen, Mikey."

You immediately feel bad when you watch his face fall, his hands fiddling with his fingers and pulling harshly at each of the large digits. You clear your throat, feeling awkward and unsure how to go about this, not quite understanding his sudden question, nor the sadness towards your dismissal.

Mikey shrugs, his left shoulder popping at the movement. The usually bubbly turtle had shrunken in on himself, clearly unable to convey just what he wanted to say. You wait for him, not trying to pressure him into speaking before he is ready. You already felt bad enough for the way you responded, knowing it wasn't so crazy to ask as you've both been practically dating since you had met, but his question made everything seem so... Real.

You force yourself to take the last swig of your drink, hoping the burn of the carbonation would distract you from the memories flooding your mind. Mikey was serious in his question, despite the nonchalant and joke-y way he asked. You couldn't blame him either, knowing that deep down, spending your life with him was something you truly did want. He was kind, caring, and even though his goofy nature was still prominent, it didn't annoy you like it did his brothers. Mikey was comfortable to be around, and made you feel good. He was your best friend, and someone who you considered your soulmate. Now your only concern was how your family would react, and the logistics of the marriage, but that could be worked out eventually. Your family would come around, hopefully.

"Do you think Donnie could fudge a marriage certificate for us? Or at least figure out how to get us a real one?" You ask, glancing at the moping turtle. His eyes snap to yours, the brilliant blue shining in the moonlight.

"If we asked, yeah!"

You chuckle at his enthusiasm, giving him your now empty soda can to crush and throw in the trash bag. You lean against his shoulder as he starts to babble about a wedding, tales of bright lights and ceremonies you didn't even know existed until now. Whether you could truly get married or not, you knew for certain you never wanted to leave his side. He was your forever.


Words: 774

Posted: 02.11.24

A/N, not important: Yes I know the first half sucks but bear with me<3 Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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