ROTTMNT turtles w/ a S/O who adopts a turtle mutant child who was abandoned

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-Surprised, but willing to help.

-Thinks it's literally the sweetest thing you took in the small mutant.

-Wants to make sure you're okay with everything and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

-He's really worried for the kid as well, and wants to make sure you're both doing okay.

-Supports you with the kid to the best of his ability.

-Offers to bring you food more often so you can focus more on your job and taking care of the kid.

-Tries his best to build a proper relationship with the kid.

-Mikey loves you, and wants to possibly marry you in the future.

-If this kid is now part of that future, he's on board.


-Is mostly indifferent to the new child in your life.

-He thinks it was a noble act, but a vastly unnecessary one.

-In Donnie's mind, you don't need a kid. You're only a young adult and haven't figured your life out yet.

-Why adopt some random kid when there's a yokai family out there waiting with possibly open arms?

-Anyways, Donnie got yelled at for his hypocrisy because SHELLDON.

-Shelldon is more excited than Donnie.

-Donnie helps if you ask, but leaves you to it for the most part.

-It's your life, he doesn't care too much what you do with it.

-Plus, seeing you act sweet to the kid is nice.


-Gets happy when he meets the kid.

-Thinks you're an angel for taking care of the kid when you technically didn't have to.

-Brings it up to Splinter on accident.

-Now you have a rat-man giving you childcare advice.

-Helps with anything you ask.

-He wants to spend time with you, and now you are constantly with the kid, so he spends time with the kid too.

-Bonds with the kid pretty quickly.


-Is concerned, but helps where he can.

-Like Donnie, he's concerned because you're still a young adult yourself, and he doesn't want you to get overwhelmed.

-To help, he ends up becoming the kid's dad more or less.

-Gets really excited when the toddler laughs at one of his jokes.

-Instant acceptance, will steal the child from you if possible.

-Almost co-parents?

-He likes the kid, and he likes you, so he has no problem helping out whenever he can.

-Bribes Mikey to babysit so he can still go out with you alone though.


Words: 400

Posted: 05.10.23

Requested: Yes - The reader found a turtle mutant child alone in NYC and took them in because the parents abandoned them after they mutated. How would the Turtles react to their s/o or crush suddenly being the new mom to a turtle mutant?

A/N, not important: Thank you for the ask, and if you're ever curious about requesting, you can check my pinned post which has my requesting rules linked. This one was tough for me because I personally love kids, and used to volunteer at a daycare camp type deal, and it kinda shows through. This kinda ended up being more about the child than them w/ you. Sorry. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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