Late Night Confessions(Rise! Raph x Reader)

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Raph leads me through the cool down stretches, my arms stretching over my head as sweat drips down my nose and onto the floor below. I mirror Raph, my body following his own as he switches arms to stretch the other half of his body. I can hear the rest of the turtle brothers talking loudly, all three having ditched us as soon as Raph gave the go ahead. A part of me wanted to join them in their quick dash for freedom as the workouts Raph put us through were incredibly taxing, but ditching him so soon felt borderline cruel after he put in so much effort to help me. He designed a workout specifically for my body type and was helping me through every step, hyping me up as I progressed. Even if the aftermath made my arms and legs feel like lead, I still appreciated the time I got to spend with Raph.

"Raph thinks we're down here. You feelin' like sleepin' over or do ya' want me to bring you home?" Raph's voice cut me out of my thoughts, snapping me back to reality as I meet his kind eyes.

"If you even think about making me walk all the way back home, I'm punching you in the face." I huff out, sitting down on the floor and falling backwards until I've fully spread out my limbs. I can hear Raph laughing at me, a smile spreading across my face as his head appears directly in my line of sight. Raph looks down at me, a small smile gracing his features as he lightly kicks me with his foot.

"If you're gonna' to stay, I suggest ya' get up and head to my room to set ya'self up. The warm water's gonna run out soon if we don't hurry it up."

I nod, rolling over onto my stomach and pushing myself up. I follow Raph, staying two paces behind him as we walk to his room. The rhythmic padding of our feet was calming as I walked the familiar path. Raph's room was my favorite out of the four brothers, it felt so warm and safe in there. Figuratively of course, I wouldn't step a foot in there if it was actually grossly warm. Raph sits on his bed and starts to undo his wrappings while I dig through the backpack I brought earlier. I had remembered to pack a bag before I left, knowing the training might go later into the night. Or that I might just want to stay over. I mean, was I really expected to say no to spending more time with my best friends and crush? Absolutely not, I would never pass that up.

"Are ya' gonna stay in my room again?" Raph asks, his tone is soft as he finishes taking off his arm wrappings. I will never understand how they always get them wrapped so perfectly. I tried once and it fell off as soon as I moved my arm.

"If you want me on the couch, you're going to have to drag me out." I say jokingly, having finally found my pajamas. Raph nods in understanding, pulling off his final wrapping. I pull out the small bottle of soap I bring with me when I stay over, sitting down criss-cross style as I fiddle with my gym shorts. "Do you want to shower first or should I?"

A wave of anxiety rolls over Raph's face at my question, and I feel confused. Did my question offend him in some way? Was I not allowed to take a shower? I had always been able to take a quick shower after a training session, but was there some unspoken rule about today? Maybe it was just Thursdays. I had yet to train with him on a Thursday, I think, so maybe they just, ...don't shower on Thursdays? I look up at Raph and noticed he was trying to say something. I really hope I didn't just cross some unspoken boundary we had. I had no idea how to go about this.

"Actually, could ya'," Oh thank goodness, he's still talking to me. "hang out with me while I shower? Just, sit in the bathroom and talk to me? Raph is uhm, Raph doesn't want to be alone." I watch as Raph taps his knees where his hands were resting, his 'Raph-chasm' deep with nervousness. I was a bit taken aback by his request, but I overall didn't mind it. It wasn't like he was asking me to do something outlandish. I smile at him, holding my folded clothes in my hand as I slowly stood up.

"Yeah sure! I don't mind. It's boring waiting for you anyway." Raph nods at my words and we both make our way to the bathroom. I could still feel the anxiety radiating off of Raph, his usually imposing figure now hunched over as if he's trying to hide from something. I could feel his nervousness start to spread into me. Was something wrong?

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