14. "...On Me?"✔️

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Oct 5th
Wednesday, 11:45am

T A J R O M A E ᵀᴬᴶ ᴿᴼᴹᴬᴱ

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ᵀᴬᴶ ᴿᴼᴹᴬᴱ

    I punch in the figures in the calculator before checking if my answer is correct in my notebook.

When I do I realize that my journal entries are balanced. Feeling accomplished, my smile grows.

"Period!" I make the gesture and the girl passing my desk seems to find it funny.

I swear there's no better feeling.

Yes there is..


A smile finds my lips as I drown out my classmates, welcoming yesterday's memories. Can't lie, he made me smile all night like a yam head. Fantasizing how good our sex will be. I mean, would be.

I dreamt of having rough sex with him..

...Just because of a kiss.

It was that erotic and the way how his eyes darkened when he grabbed my throat made me even more turned on. I was ready to feel him dee-

Taj you can't be for real..

I shake my head in hopes to rid myself of these prurient thoughts.

My face flushes as I realize that I'm gently biting on my pinky finger obliviously.

Lawd God.

Mi need fi get a hold a miself before dem send mi back a country wid belly.

Cause it comin' like a man mi come up ya fa.

My eyes finds Ms. Lyons and she's surrounded by impatient students. As she quickly gets rid of them, she looks up and our eyes meets.

She smiles, gesturing me to her desk.

I turn, picking up my book before I walk over to her desk. She takes the book and my eyes finds her makeup. She really knows how to glam herself.

As her eyes trails each figures on the page my head starts aching.

It's because of the poor ventilation.

Moving over to the door I rest my back on the door, making sure I'm not in the way as I inhale deeply.

The cool air from outside, as averse to the frowzy and muggy air inside is so refreshing.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now