24. "Pun Intended"✔️

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First of all I didn't intend for this to be so lengthy but I guess y'all got away with this one. Make sure you vote⭐️

 Make sure you vote⭐️

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Z  A  H   I  R

   I move forward, hold the moscato away and pop the top. It explodes and I quickly pour it in the cups.


"Mine it catch your shirt!"

I look up to see the two girls standing in front me clearly impressed.

For what?

Because I pop a champagne bottle for them?

"Thanks enuh Messi," the short girl smiles as she takes the cups. Her friend seems reserved but her eyes speaks for her.

She doesn't have to say a word.

Both girls are pretty but doesn't stand a chance when it comes to Taj Romaé.

Even if their looks were to combine.

Taj would a win easily.

"That soft man," I say and walk away.

Girls are scattered everywhere. From the pool, to the pool side, inside the house and on my friends laps.

Ashmar is the first one who spots me then he brings it to the others attention. They start talking at once. Mostly giving me flowers for having Taj.

"Member how she did style the killa?" Sajay ask them. They all nod, smiling wickedly. The only person who seems a bit lost is Rushawn.

"How yuh mean fam?" Kenardo almost laugh.

"Mi member that like a yesterday it happen," Ashmar chimes in then his focus turns to the thickaz who's straddling him.

"A wah gwaan? Mi lost bredda," Rushawn sniggers. He was on suspension so he wouldn't know about it.

The corner of my lips turns up into a smile before I say, "Mek dem tell yuh nuh."

"Dawg nuh wah talk bout eh," Sajay grins before he encourages them to talk.

As they tell him the story in unison a sheepish smile tugs at my lips.

Man dem extra.

"Dawg did fully shame?" Rushawn snickers when they're done then he looks at me.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now