28. Dead Presidents✔️

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ᵀᴬᴶ ᴿᴼᴹᴬᴱ

A smile plays on my lips at Zahir and his friends hostility. Imagine, they're only having a conversation about their last game..

...and this is how they're behaving.

Sadly, I'm in the midst of it.

It's about ten minutes since such man has stole me away from my friends after he bought my lunch and told them that he's gonna have lunch with me.

It's a sweet gesture, I couldn't even stop myself from blushing since he walked up to me in front my friends and the other students who were under the plum tre-

Another loud outburst drags me from my thoughts. I look up from my box lunch, eyes on the four boys in front me.

Lawd dem annoying.

"Sajay a bay foolishness yaw chat enuh bredda!" Ashmar shouts. Though his voice is ear splitting I doubt they heard him since they're loud too.

Sajay looks over at Rushawn who's sitting on a chair next to the door eating his patty. On the desk next to him is also another patty.


"You never see when Jay kick Syfy and make the man drop?" he ask with his finger pointing at Rushawn.

"Mi never see but him did near him yes," Rushawn retorts taking another bite from his patty.

It's the only thing he seems to care about.

"The man never do nothing bad man!" Ashmar seems to be taking this too serious. Or this is normal?

No mon.

"This a man ya?" Zahir rudely says with cold eyes fixed on Ashmar.

If I didn't know better I'd think it's serious.

"Eeeh you never see when him lick down the man a blind yuh blind?" Kenardo ask sarcastically, sounding equally aggressive.

Ashmar hisses, face screwed up as he angrily walks to the door.

To blow off some steam-I'm assuming.

"A true a your bwoy mon," Zahir teases and I watch as his dimples deepens due to his smile.

I shake my head at him bothering Ashmar and use my fork to put rice in my mouth. I should've had a spoon; but it's whatever.

Taj you craven eeeh?

Sajay then chimes in. "It look like a him one think Jay nae do nothing."

They look at each other with a mischievous smile and Kenardo quickly pulls out his phone.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now