51. "Over With"✔️

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Nov 15th
Tuesday, 4:38pm

Nov 15thTuesday, 4:38pm

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As I mark my mother's grade eleven students stories, I open a new pack of m&m's and start eating it with mommy's fingers gently tugging my hair. It's the best feeling in the world. Besides being buried in Taj.

"Isn't that too sweet?" she ask softly.

I quickly read the last sentence and respond to her. "Not really. But I have water."

"Drink some," she smiles.

I screw the bottle water and take a swig before I get back to work.

Exactly ten minutes after and I ask for her clarification on a paragraph. The name on this book cover is familiar. Kaelyn.

For a s-pretty girl she really doesn't know the difference between lose and loose. And there and their.

"Mark down for wrong spelling and em' suhm deh?" I ask as she skims the book leaf.

"Don't be so hard on the girls Zeer," mommy laughs. She props up on her elbow, looking at what I'm doing.

"I promise I'm being nice," I smirk and draw a line through an incorrect spelling. Soon after, her eyes flutters shut as she lies on her side.

"Mommy.." I call in a low tone and her eyes opens. "You tired?" I ask concerned.

She yawns and with a cheeky smile she says. "Yeah and mi would a do well with a frappe right now," she playfully pouts.

"Caramel frappe?" I clarify.

"Yeah," she breathes and with her eyes close she says. "Mi a get some sleep now."

"Alright," I respond before I mark the last two books. When I'm done I put away the books, pick up my phone and walk out.

When I'm downstairs Nizhaé walks in with a purple glitter leash. Followed by a poodle with his legs, tail and ears dyed pink and purple. Yes, I said pink and purple.

My eyes follows it as it prowls pass me. Then I drag my eyes up to Nizhaé. She's laughing at my face expression.

It's her birthday.

Her hair is done in a similar style to Taj Romae's hairstyle at the launch; low ponytail with a swoop. The only difference is that Nizhaé has some strands of purple in her hair.

𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐣𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now