Important call

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Song for this chapter: Enchanted - Taylor Swift

I have just finished my training for this week with my teammates from Manchester city. I have played here for as long as I can remember and I never had a day where I wasn't happy to be in this team. I say goodbye to everyone after I took my shower and grab my stuff to go to my car. This was the last training for a few weeks because we had a break now. Some of the girls play for the national-team of their country and need to go to train with their team. I have played for England in the U21 team before but not anymore since I'm 24 now. I miss playing for England though. A few of my teammates play for the Lionesses so I at least have a bit of a connection to them and of course I watch all the games and support them. I'm half german but I have lived in England almost my entire life so I don't think I will ever me able to play for the German team. I can speak fluently german though because of my mum.

I go into my car and pull my phone out of my pocket when I see a missed call on my screen. Someone called me an hour ago. I take a closer look at the number and I feel like I know it from anywhere but I can't remember. I just decide to let it go. If it was something important they will call again. I drive home which is just a 10 minute ride. Right in the moment when I park my car and am about to go out my phone starts to ring again. I look at the screen and see the same number calling me again. It must be something important. I pick up.


"Good evening. Am I speaking to Emma Bailey?" I recognize the voice immediately. It's Sarina Wiegman. Okay now stay cool Emma.

"Yes it's Emma." I say while trying not to sound nervous.

"Great that I can catch you up. As you might have heard we have a few injuries in our team recently and we really need some talented girls. I have watched you play for Manchester and I love the way you play. I think you would perfectly fit into our team." Sarina explains. I feel my heart racing. There is no way that this is happening. The coach of the Lionesses thinks I'm talented!

"Thank you so much for saying that." I just say. Now my voice is shaking.

"I want to invite you to come to London to our camp and join our team." She finally says. For a moment I don't know what to say even though there is only one right answer to give right now.

"I would love to. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. I really wanted to play for the Lioness all my life." I say with an exited voice. I still don't believe that this is happening.

"Great. I'm looking forward to meet you." Sarina says and we say goodbye before ending the call. I put my phone down and look straight forward out of the window of my car. What just happened? I'm going to be a part of the English team like I have always wanted to. I get to meet all the players and train with them.

I run out of the car and as soon as I'm inside the house I call up my parents and my friends to tell them what just happened. I don't even have much time. The camp will start this weekend and I basically need to start to pack right now.

Just a few days later I'm arriving in London for camp. I now that I'm a bit later than the other girls but Sarina said that this shouldn't be a problem. She told me to meet her at the office before someone will show me everything. As I arrive at the camp I start to look around and still can't believe that I'm actually here right now. Everything looks so cool here. I walk into the corridor and look around. I have no idea where to go or what to do. I just stand there without moving. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice.

"Emma!" I turn around and see Lauren Hemp running up to me. She plays with me for Manchester and we have been friends for years. We gave each other a hug as we see each other.

"I'm so happy that you are here. This is so cool." She says.

"I know. I still can't believe it." I'm actually very happy to see her right now because now I have someone who can help me a bit since I have no idea where to go.

"Can you show me the way to Sarinas office? She said I should come there when I arrive." I ask her.

"Straight to the boss's office." Lauren laughs and points into the direction where I should go.

"Right there to the left." She says and jokingly hits my shoulder.

"Thanks see you later." I say as I walk to the room. I stand in front of the the door for a moment before knocking and take a deep breath. I knock and hear Sarinas voice.

"Come in." She says. I slowly open the door and walk inside.


"Oh hi Emma. Nice to finally meet you." She stands up and shakes my hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well." I say and at this point I feel my hands getting sweaty. Thank god she already shook my hand. I sit down with her and she asks me a few questions about me playing for Manchester and the U21 lionesses.

"I think you will be perfect for the team. Recently a few players had to leave because of injuries and they will be happy when some new spirit comes to the team." She smiles at me. I smile back.

"I can't wait to meet everyone."

"I asked Leah to come here and show you around a bit. I think she should be here in a second." Sarina says. I get even more nervous as she says that. Just in this moment the door opens and Leah looks inside. I look up at her and then quickly back down.

"I heard there is someone new joining the team." Leah says.

"Yes this is Emma. She will be joining us this camp." Sarina explains.

"Nice to meet you." She holds out her hand for me. I don't want her to shake my sweaty hand but I have no choice. I try to wipe my hand at my shirt before I take her hand.

"I'm Leah." She says as she shook my hand.

"Oh I know." Shit. Why did I say this. It sounds stupid.

"That's great." She just smiles. I feel like I have already messed up but I'm too nervous and Leah being in this room somehow just made it worse.

"Can you just show her around a bit?" Sarina asks Leah.

"Of course. Come on I will show you everything." She looks at me. I still feel stupid for what I said earlier.

"Oh and Emma you will share a room with Beth. I'm sure Leah can show you where that is as well." Sarina says as we were about to leave the room.

"Surely I can do that." Leah says and I follow her out of the room

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