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We go into the room and I sit on the bed again. I lean my back against the headboard and wait for Leah. She drinks something and then joins me in the bed. She lays down and rests her head on my lap. The way she looks up at me immediately makes me smile. She turns her face to the side at my stomach and rests her face against me.

"Do you think you will be able to play tomorrow?" I ask her and start to stroke her hair again.

"I don't know. I will talk to Sarina tomorrow." She says. I hope she doesn't put too much pressure on herself.

"You should probably take a bit more rest. Just in case." I say.

"You have to stop worrying about me so much." Leah laughs.

"I only worry about you that much because I love you and I don't want you to be in pain." I say and gently stroke her head.

"Stop being so cute." She giggles which also makes me smile.

"I want to stay with you during the night." I whisper at her.

"No you can't. I don't want you to get sick. I need to watch you play tomorrow." Leah says. She is right but I don't want her to be right.

"I really hope you will get better. I want to kiss you so bad." I say. I would even risk to get sick but I know that Leah wouldn't let me.

"Just one day. You already survived weeks without kissing me." Leah says. I may have survived that but it didn't feel good.

"I can live without your kisses but I don't want to." I look down on her. The way she is snuggling her head to me makes her look so cute.

"You don't have to. I will pay you back every kiss that I can't give you now." She says.

"I really hope so." I say. I stroke her hair strands back. "You look so cute." I whisper at her. She softly chuckles at that. It's this typical cute laugh that she has. I love the sound of that.

In the evening it is time for me to go to my own room. I need to sleep without Leah today and my focus has to be on the match tomorrow. I wait until Leah is showered and dressed in bed. I want to make sure that she is alright. She is laying in her bed when I kneel down next to her. Georgia is also there. I hear her laughing at us but I don't pay attention to that.

"Are you really alright?" I ask her again. I feel like I have asked her that a hundred times today but I need to hear it once again.

"Yes." She says very clearly. I lay my hand on her head and slowly stroke her hair. I feel her pressing her head up against my hand.

"Okay just get healthy again, please." I take my hand away and lean over her.

"I love you." I whisper at her before I gently kiss her forehead.

"I love you too." She smiles at me. She makes it really hard not to kiss her lips right now. I kiss her head once again. I just do that to distract myself from my desire to kiss her lips.

"See you tomorrow." I say. She gives me an approving smile. I leave the room to go back to my room for sleep. I try to get in quietly since I don't know if Beth is already asleep. The lights are off when I sneak in.

"You are sleeping here today?" I hear Beth asking. So she isn't asleep already.

"Yes Leah didn't want me to get sick too." I say while I go into my bed.

"So you can't kiss her today, huh?" Beth laughs.

"I kissed her in the morning." I just say.

"You can really sleep without a kiss from Leah?" Beth continues to mock me but she is right. Normally I need that good night kiss for my sleep.

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