Heart shaped eyes

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In the morning I wake up with Leah still on my chest. She hasn't moved away a bit. I smile down on her and dig my nose in her hair. I love this way of waking up. I stroke over Leah's knuckles and she starts to softly move her head.

"Morning cuddle bears." Beth says as she stands next to my bed.

"Morning." I say at her and after that I place a few kisses to Leah's head. She moves her head up a bit so her nose is at my neck. I look at Beth who is still looking at us. Leah gives a kiss to my neck before she even opens her eyes.

"Le, we get watched." I say at her so she doesn't come too close to me now.

"What?" She mumbles and opens her eyes. She rolls to the side to see who is standing there.

"Hi." Beth says. Leah sighs and immediately rolls over again away from Beth. She crawls up to my side again and I hear Beth laughing at that.

"Get up." Beth says at Leah. Leah just snuggles her head up to my side more and closes her eyes. I chuckle at her behaviour. It's really cute how she just unintentionally gets so close to me again.

"We should really get up." I whisper at Leah. She sighs but lifts her head up. She looks at my face for a moment and fixes her hair.

"Why do you listen to her but not to me?" Beth says.

"Because you are annoying." Leah jokes at Beth. She sits up and slowly gets out of my bed. I know that she wants to stay with me but we have to get back to England today. The camp will be over as soon as we arrive in England.

I go to the bathroom to get ready and pack my bag. Leah comes up to me when I'm taking my stuff from the bathroom. She isn't wearing a shirt so I panic for a moment. I don't want to look at her body. I try my best to keep my eyes at her face.

"This is a bit embarrassing but do you have a hoodie or something like that for me? Mine got dirty and I didn't bring any more but it's pretty cold outside and I didn't want to go in just a T-shirt." Leah starts to hustle. She is talking so fast that I can really see how embarrassed she is to ask me that.

"Relax. It's fine. I can give you one of mine." I laugh a bit to show her that it's not a big deal. I go out of the bathroom and take a hoodie from my bag. I always bring too much stuff with me so I have some that I haven't even worn for once since we are here. I give it to Leah.

"Thank you." She says while putting it on. We have the same size so it fits her perfectly. We could be sharing all of our clothes basically. I look at her and give her a smile. It suits her. She looks cute and the thought that she is wearing my clothes makes it even better. I don't say anything at her about that but I secretly enjoy it in my mind.

We don't have time to eat in the hotel and make our way to the airport straight away. I'm really tired and almost fall asleep in the bus. I really struggle to keep my eyes open right now.
We arrive at the airport and have to wait for the plane for a bit of time. I eat something of a sandwich while I look around for Leah. I can't see her anywhere. Normally she is always near me when we are at the airport.
A bit later Leah comes next to me and hands me a cup of coffee.

"I thought you could need that." She says.

"Thanks. I really need a coffee. I'm about to fall asleep again." I say and drink some of the coffee. I love how thoughtful she is.

"Sorry for waking you up." Leah says.

"Don't worry. It's fine. I would have been tired anyway and I really enjoyed spending the night with you." I say at her. I don't understand why she is worrying so much about all that.

"Do you want to sit next to me on the plane?" Leah shyly asks me. I love how shy she is about asking me that.

"Yeah of course but don't be surprised if I fall asleep." I say.

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