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Over the day, Leah and I sent each other a lot of messages and pictures. She sent me pictures from camp with the girls and I sent her pictures of Louis. She asked for a lot of them. I like how she can't stop thinking about him. I also can't stop thinking about Leah. I texted Beth to make sure that Leah is okay because I know that she wouldn't tell me. Beth said that she is okay so I decide to believe it. I still wish Leah would be here with me.

In the evening, I wait until Louis is asleep so I can go and take a shower before getting ready for bed. I put on one of Leah's shirts and also get a hoodie from her into bed. I take Louis and lay him on my chest to relax. I hope he can sort of smell Leah's scent through the shirt. He grabs the shirt as soon as he is laying on my chest. I know that Leah is in her room by now so I decide to just FaceTime her. I really want to see her and check if she is really alright.
She answers just a few seconds after I called her. She probably had her phone in her hand.

"Hi, Em." A smiling Leah appears on my screen.

"Hey. I just wanted to see your face and check how you're doing?" I say. I'm so happy to see her.

"I'm good. Stop worrying so much. How are you and Louis?" She asks.

"We are fine. He is sleeping." I turn the camera down a bit so Leah can see Louis on my chest.

"Aww he looks adorable. I miss him." She says. I love how her face lights up while she says that. She really seems to be pretty good.

"Do you even think about me any longer?" I chuckle.

"I always think about you. I wish you were here right now and I could cuddle with you. We always did that at camp." She says. "Are you wearing my shirt?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yes, I miss you next to me and look how cute Louis is holding on to it. He misses his evening cuddle with you." I smile down on Louis.

"Give him a kiss from me." Leah says.

"Okay." I smile and place a kiss to Louis head.

"Is it raining at home as well?" She asks. I didn't even recognised that yet but when I look out of the window it is indeed raining.


"I always enjoyed holding you while it was raining." She says. She just makes me want her to be here even more. She has just been gone for a few hours but I already miss her so much.

"I think I will try to get some sleep now." Leah says and brings me out of my cosy thoughts.

"Okay. Call me if you can't sleep."

"I love you." Leah says.

"I love you." I say the same.

"Good night."

"Good night." I give her a smile and we end the call. Louis is already sleeping the entire time. I place the hoodie from Leah next to me and lay Louis on it so he would still have her scent around while he sleeps. He looks so cute how he is laying in that hoodie.

"You'll see mummy on Saturday." I whisper at him and kiss his cheek. I lay right next to him with my face turned at him to watch him. I try to go to sleep quickly but I can't stop thinking about Leah. I hope she is fine and can sleep tonight. I don't want her to have a nightmare and wake up by herself.

I eventually go to sleep but get waken up in the middle of the night from my phone ringing next to me. I rub my eyes and roll over to quickly get the volume down so Louis doesn't wake up. I look at my phone and see Leah's name on the screen. I immediately start to worry. I pick up without even questioning.

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