Media day

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"No way." I hear Georgias voice. It's the first thing that I hear when wake up. I open my eyes and see Georgia standing in front of the bed, looking at me. I feel Leah moving as well when she wakes up. She lays her hand on top of mine. I don't think that she realises that I'm here. She just does that out of reflex. Leah looks down at my arms around her. She turns her head around and looks at me with a confused face.

"What are you doing here?" She asks still completely confused.

"I could ask you the same question." Georgia adds.

"I couldn't sleep without you." I say at Leah.

"When did you came here?" She asks.

"Sometime in the night. I woke up and couldn't sleep again so I came over here." I explain what happened.

"How could I not hear that?" Leah says.

"I was very quiet. I didn't want to wake you up." I say.

"You are both annoying." Georgia rolls her eyes at us and walk off.

"You are impossible." Leah rolls over on her back. I snuggle my head up to her neck and place a few kisses to her neck. I go up with my kisses a bit and bite her earlobe.

"And you are sexy." I whisper at her. For a moment I think she enjoys what I do.

"No." She shakes her head. I raise my head and lean over her face.

"No?" I ask again while I move closer to her lips.

"I don't want you to turn me on now." She says at me. I know she is right but still I enjoy to annoy her.

"Why not?" I'm so close to her lips that I feel her breath at my lips.

"Because Georgia is here." Leah says.

"What if she wasn't?"

"Still a no from me." She laughs and pushes me back.

"Not even a kiss?" I chuckle.

"Yes, kiss me." She gives me such a cute smile that I can't play around with her anymore. I lean down and press my lips against hers. She mumbles in between the kisses. I pull back a bit but stay close to her.

"Did you say anything?" I whisper.

"No, just continue please." She says. I lick my lips and kiss her again. She gives me a few gentle kisses in return. I give a bite to her lower lip after a kiss.

"No biting." She smiles and pulls back a bit.

"You are so cruel today." I chuckle.

"I'm not in the mood." She says. I didn't think that she would ever say these words.

"But you have to be in the mood for romance." I smile at her and stroke her hair behind her ear. I always want to respect her decisions so I decide to go for romance instead of hotness. I look deep into her eyes and see how a smiles appears on her face. A smile always suits her and makes her look even more beautiful.

"I'm always in the mood for romance with you." Leah holds on to my wrist and I lean down to kiss her forehead. After that I move down and gently kiss her lips. I keep it slow and don't do anything other than slowly kiss her lips. I feel how she enjoys this kiss more than the ones before.

"Should I leave you alone?" Georgia stops us as she comes back into the room. I pull back slightly and my lips leave Leah's.

"No we get up now." Leah says. She pushes me back from her and I fall down next to her. I just giggle at that. Leah sits up and gets out of the bed.

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