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"Will you marry me?" She finally asks. I look at her on her knee with this box in her hand. I immediately know my answer but I need a few seconds to actually say it.

"Yes yes yes, I want to marry you Leah." I finally get the words out and almost scream while I start to cry again. So many emotions take over my body in this moment. I see the relief and happiness on Leah's face as I say yes. Before she can stand up I go down and without any hesitation kiss her lips. I never was so happy in my life before. It is all I wanted since the beginning. I don't stop kissing her anymore. This is the best kiss we ever shared. When our lips leave each other again, I keep both of my hands at her cheeks. She looks at me completely out of breath. Now I understand why she was so nervous the entire time.

"Oh god. I wasn't expecting that." I say still in shock.

"Good. I wanted it to be a surprise." Leah says. She is still on the ground as I was holding her down with kissing her. I let her go and she gets up to sit on the bench next to me again.

"Give me your hand." She says and I lay my hand in hers. I can't believe that I'm experiencing this moment right now. It feels like all my dreams came true. She remembered everything that I said and really gave me my dream proposal. She even picked the right place with the spot of our first real date. She takes the ring out of the box and carefully puts it on my finger. I stare down at it. It is so beautiful. She picked the perfect ring. Exactly like I wanted it to look. A rather thin ring with a tiny stone. I don't like these big diamonds. I don't think I ever mentioned that to her but somehow she still knew. I can't stop looking at the ring on my finger.

"It's perfect." I look back into Leah's eyes.

"I'm glad you like it. I was so worried that you wouldn't like it. I asked everyone on their opinion. I called your mum on the day after camp. That was why I called you so late." She says.

"You called my mum?" I ask. She is so sweet.

"Yeah of course. I asked her for her permission." She explains. I bite my lip and smile like a little child at that.

"You are just getting cuter and cuter." I say and can't stop myself from giving her another kiss.

"I was so nervous. I don't think I ever was so nervous about anything in my life." She laughs.

"Yeah I kinda recognised that but I wasn't sure why you were so nervous." I say.

"I could eat something now." Leah says. That is probably the reason why she was eating so less before. She was too nervous.

"I'll make you whatever you want when we get back home." I promise her. "You know you just made it a lot harder to go back to Manchester." I laugh.

"I know but I couldn't wait any longer." Leah says. My eyes still jump between Leah's face and the ring on my finger.

"Was that why you were acting so weird on the last day of camp?" I remember everything that she did. Now it makes sense.

"Yeah, I was trying to figure out your ring size. That was why I looked at your rings and I also talked about my plans with Beth. I felt so bad because I had to lie to you."

"I love you anyway." I joke.

"I hope so. It looks like you are stuck with me now." She chuckles.

"I don't mind. I want to be stuck with you my entire life." I say.

We go back to Leah's house since it's getting cold outside. I hold on to her and stay close to her body while walking. We return at the house and go to sit in the living room.

"I'll call up my mum real quick." Leah says. I also want to call my parents but they probably already know.

"I go and make you something to eat." I offer. I go to the kitchen and decide to make ham sandwiches for Leah since I know how much she likes them. I find it cute that she was nervous that she couldn't eat before. While I make the sandwiches I can't stop looking at my ring. I want to tell it to so many people and yet I want to keep it to ourselves at first. I will tell Lauren when I'm back in Manchester. I want to see her reaction face.

I come back to the living room with the sandwiches. Leah is done with her call. I sit next to her again.

"Here you go." I hand her a sandwich.

"I love you." She just says and takes a bite. She must be really hungry considering how fast she finishes her first sandwich.

"You are good at making these. It's delicious." She says while taking another one. I laugh at that.

"I'm glad you like it. I should cook for you more often." I say.

"Oh yeah please do. I find it very attractive when someone can cook." Leah looks over at me.

"Good to know." I wink at her. She finishes another sandwich and starts with a third one. She can't finish it in the end and I eat the other half.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Leah asks me.

"You will fall asleep anyway." I chuckle.

"I promise, I won't fall asleep this time." She says but she will probably fall asleep.

"If you do, I'll carry you to the bedroom." I say.

"You won't have to do that." She pledges once again.
We set up everything for the movie. I lean back and Leah comes to crawl up in my arms. She puts a blanket over our bodies and rests her head on my chest. She also lays her hand on my chest next to her head. She already looks like she will fall asleep. We start the movie. I check on Leah every now and then. She is still awake. I kiss her head a few times and keep my nose in her hair. I go down with my hand and move it under her shirt to stroke her naked back. Leah breaths out a bit louder at that.
I look down on her again after a while. She has her eyes already closed.

"Le, don't fall asleep." I softly shake her body.

"I'm awake." She says with a sleepy voice.

"Do you want to go to the bedroom?" I ask.

"No." She says. We continue to watch the movie until the end. I feel like Leah is sleeping. Her body is raising with a calm breathing. I look at her. She is definitely sleeping. I knew it. She probably was stressed the entire day so it makes sense that she is tired now.

"I knew it." I whisper at her. I keep laying there for a moment. I just look down on Leah. I will marry her. I get to marry this perfect woman. I think I might be the luckiest person to ever exist. I think about how to get her to the bedroom now. I need to carry her up the stairs. I forgot about that when I told her that I would carry her but I don't want to wake her up.

I slowly get up and Leah is completely laying down on the couch. I try to pick her up carefully so I wouldn't wake her up. I hold her in my arms in bridal style to carry her upstairs. I slowly get up the stairs which is not as easy as I expected it to be but I manage to do it. I walk into the bedroom and lay Leah down in the bed. I quickly go to the bathroom before joining her in the bed. As I lay next to her, she rolls over and mumbles something.

"Baby..." I hear coming from her while her hand is moving around to find me.

"I'm here." I take her hand and get closer to her. She is moving her face a bit but she still doesn't wake up. I carefully wrap her in my arms to give her more safety.

"Did you carry me?" She mumbles. I think she is half awake.

"Yes. You're fine now so go back to sleep." I gently stroke her head and kiss her cheek. She smiles as I say that. I think she wanted me to carry her here.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"No. Don't be sorry."

"I always fall asleep when you are here. I want to spend time with you but I always sleep so early." She says.

"Le, I love to cuddle you while you sleep. I'm fine so please relax and sleep." I say and kiss her head. She fully closes her eyes again and moves her head closer to me. I stroke her fingers a bit and wait until she is sleeping again. I feel so good in this moment. I didn't expect to go to sleep with Leah being my fiancée tonight. Every time I think about the fact that she will be my wife, I feel how my chest gets warm. I can't wait to marry her. It was everything I ever wanted from the very first day that I saw her.

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