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I open my eyes again. It is already bright in the room. Leah is laying behind my body and still holds me. Based on her flat breathing I think she is sleeping. I slowly turn my body around without her arms letting go from me. I lay on my side and look at Leah. Her eyes are still closed and I hear how she breathes in and out slowly. I reach my hand out for her and gently stroke her face. I move my fingers over her cheeks and slightly stroke her hair back. She looks so cute with this soft smile on her lips. She has this smile on every time that she sleeps. I like to think that it is because of me being with her. I can't help but to smile as well when I look at her.

"Guys! Time to get up!" Georgia suddenly yells and takes me back from my thoughts. My hand remains at Leah's ear as I turn my head to look at Georgia.

"Yeah, calm down." I just say at her. Leah wakes up from Georgia yelling and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning." I smile at her. "How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Amazing." She rubs her eyes. I still don't move my hand away. Leah holds on to my wrist making me stay in that position. I move closer to her and kiss her nose. She giggles at that.

"That was sweet. Do it again." She says. I do what she says and place another kiss to her nose making her smile from ear to ear.

"Oh my god. Why am I here?" Georgia rolls her eyes at us. Leah kisses my forehead before she sits up. Georgia goes to the bathroom to escape the sight of us kissing all the time.

"Are we that annoying?" I laugh. Leah turns her head back to look down on me. She just gives me a cheeky smile. She fully turns around and climbs on my lap. Out of reflex I immediately lay my hands at her hips. She slowly leans down over my body which makes me surprisingly nervous.

"You are worth being annoying." She whispers in my ear. I have a chuckle at that. Leah takes my hands from her hips and pins down both of my hands next to my head. I love her acting like this. The way she looks down at me with this mixture of love and passion in her eyes just feels amazing.

"What now?" I look at her with an expecting face.

"Now you'll get a shower." She says making me even more confused.

"A shower?" I ask.

"A shower of kisses." She says with a smile. I bite my lip and laugh at that. Leah leans down over my face and starts to place little kisses all over my face. I instantly have to smile at that. She still holds down my hands while she kisses my cheeks and my forehead. I close my eyes and enjoy her lips all over my face. She kisses my left cheek then my right cheek and after that my nose. She quickly goes down a bit and kisses my lips for a moment. I love every single kiss that she gives me. She continues with that until she is at my lips again. This time she slows down and stays there for longer. She gently kisses me and lets go from my hands. I immediately hold on to her neck and pull her down more. I move my hand up at the back of her neck and slowly run my fingers through her hair.

"We should stop before Georgia comes out." Leah says and slightly moves back.

"Yeah we better don't get caught again." I say. Leah rolls down from me and sits next to me. Georgia comes out just a bit later. Luckily we stopped before she could see us.

"You two don't go to the bathroom together." Georgia says with a serious voice.

"Yeah calm down. I'll go to my room and we will see each other at breakfast." I say and get up. Leah looks a bit disappointed but doesn't say anything against it.

"I'll see you later, baby." I lean down to kiss Leah. She gives me a smile and nods. I get out of the room and quickly go down the empty hallway to my room. I slowly open the door and don't see Beth anywhere.

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